
Is it possible to use viewstate to persist data in a page lifecycle? I've been trying to use a viewstate to be the datasource of a json store which in turn the store become the source data for a GridPanel. Here's the the declaration

Every code in a ascx. which means this I put this viewstate not in a web page but in a user control. I only want to inform, just in case that would be a trouble.

        public List<BarangDTO> titipanMasukItem
                if (ViewState["titipanMasukItem"] != null)
                    return (List<BarangDTO>)ViewState["titipanMasukItem"];

                return null;
                ViewState["titipanMasukItem"] = value;
Right when the page is loaded, I instantiate the viewstate

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!X.IsAjaxRequest)

                titipanMasukItem = new List<BarangDTO>();
Then user can add new item to the grid manually, this is the code when user has clicked the add item button

        protected void ButtonAddItemWizard_Click(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
            string err = "";
            Int32 result;


            //if valid, add item togrid
            titipanMasukItem.Add(new BarangDTO
                id = ComboBoxBatchNoWizard.SelectedItem.Value,
                itemid = ComboBoxItemNameWizard.SelectedItem.Value,
                itemname = ComboBoxItemNameWizard.SelectedItem.Text,
                itemdetailid = ComboBoxBatchNoWizard.SelectedItem.Value,
                itembatchno = ComboBoxBatchNoWizard.SelectedItem.Text,
                itemdescription = TextAreaDescriptionWizard.Text,
                itemqty = Convert.ToInt32(TextFieldQtyWizard.Text)
            this.StoreItemDetailWizard.DataSource = titipanMasukItem;
Now, what bothering me is that, everytime the user clicked the add button. The viewstate seems to be always renewed. If I put a breakpoint right at the first line of the ButtonAddItemWizard_Click method. The count of the List (viewstate) is always 0. So, there will always be 1 item only everytime the user add a new item, where there should be a new item added to the GridPanel.