GridPanel, ComboBox in a column dynamically changing dropdown values depending on the sell contents

  1. #1

    GridPanel, ComboBox in a column dynamically changing dropdown values depending on the sell contents

    Hi, Is it possible to dynamically change dropdown values in a combobox in a gridpanel, depending on the cell contents?
    I have a combo box that disaplays data from a table. If a column value is empty, I enable a dropdown. I need to be able to display the values from a table in a cell with combo box, but when cell is empty, display different set of values that values in that column.
  2. #2
  3. #3
    Thanks, I looked at that example. I don't want to replace the editor. I just need to reset the store source to new values and rebind before the dropdown is expanded. I made the following changes and now when I click the dropdown, the old list shows up first and them the new one.

    I added
            public void LoadComboBoxesWithNewAccChoices(string colName)
                BusinessLogic bl = new BusinessLogic();
                if ( colName == "MyId" )
                    StoreCombo.DataSource = bl.GetAllNewCBMyId();
    In GridPanel I have
            <BeforeEdit Fn="onBeforeEdit" />
    var onBeforeEdit = function (e) {
                var column = e.grid.getColumnModel().columns[e.column],
                                    ed = column.getCellEditor(e.row);
                if (ed && (e.value != -1 && e.value != '' && e.value != undefined)) {
                    return false;
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniil View Post
    Last edited by Daniil; Feb 21, 2012 at 6:28 AM. Reason: Please use [CODE] tags
  4. #4
    Yes, it was just an example, not exactly that you need. Unfortunately, we have no exact examples for all cases.

    Hope the following suites your requirement.

    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <script runat="server">
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!X.IsAjaxRequest)
                Store store = this.GridPanel1.GetStore();
                store.DataSource = new object[] 
                    new object[] { "id1", "" },
                    new object[] { "id2", "" },
                    new object[] { "id3", "" },
                    new object[] { "id4", "" },
        protected void ComboBoxStore_RefreshData(object sender, StoreRefreshDataEventArgs e)
            Store store = sender as Store;
            string id = e.Parameters["id"];
            store.DataSource = new object[] 
                new object[] { id + "_" + DateTime.Now.Second, "1" },
                new object[] { id + "_" + (DateTime.Now.Second + 1), "2" }
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
    <html xmlns="">
    <head runat="server">
        <title>Ext.NET Example</title>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var onBeforeEdit = function (e) {
                var column = e.grid.getColumnModel().columns[e.column];
                if (column.dataIndex === "test") {
                        function (store, options) {
                            options.params = {
                                id :
                            single : true
            var testRenderer = function (value) {
                var record = ComboBoxStore.getById(value);
                if (record) {
                    value =;
                return value;
        <form runat="server">
            <ext:ResourceManager runat="server" />
                    <ext:Store runat="server">
                                    <ext:RecordField Name="id" />
                                    <ext:RecordField Name="test" />
                <ColumnModel runat="server">
                        <ext:Column Header="ID" DataIndex="id" />
                        <ext:Column Header="Test" DataIndex="test">
                            <Renderer Fn="testRenderer" />
                                <ext:ComboBox runat="server">
                                                <ext:PageProxy />
                                                <ext:ArrayReader IDProperty="value">
                                                        <ext:RecordField Name="text" />
                                                        <ext:RecordField Name="value" />
                                        <BeforeQuery Handler="delete queryEvent.combo.lastQuery;" />
                    <BeforeEdit Fn="onBeforeEdit" />

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