I've got a Form hooked up to a Store with a RestAPI setup. I am having a problem getting a button to call the Update method. I keep getting a "Object [object Object] has no method 'update'" error. The initial GET REST method that loads the form works fine.

Here's are my code snippets
    function updateOrder() {

<ext:Store ID="dsOrder" runat="server" AutoLoad="true" SerializationMode="Complex"
    AutoSave="true" Restful="true">
            <RestAPI ReadUrl="/Order/Get" 
            UpdateUrl="/Order/Update" CreateUrl="/RestDemo/Create"
                DestroyUrl="/RestDemo/Destroy" />
        <ext:JsonReader IDProperty="OrderNumber" Root="data">
                <ext:RecordField Name="OrderID"  />
                <ext:RecordField Name="OrderNumber" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="UserName" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="DateCreated" Type="Date" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="OrderStatusID" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="Items" IsComplex="true" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="ShippingAddress">
                    <Convert Fn="convertShippingVals" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="ShippingMethodID">
                    <Convert Fn="convertShipMethodToText" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="ShippingMethodText" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="ShippingAmount" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="DateShipped" Type="Date">
                    <Convert Fn="formatDateShipped" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="DateShippedText" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="EstimatedDelivery" Type="Date" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="TrackingNumber" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="FirstName" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="LastName" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="Street1" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="Street2" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="City" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="StateOrProvince" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="Zip" />
                <ext:RecordField Name="Country" />
        <ext:Parameter Name="start" Value="0" Mode="Raw" />
        <ext:Parameter Name="ordernum" Value="#{txtOID}.getValue()" Mode="Raw" />
        <Load Handler="OrderDetails.body.unmask(); if(records.length > 0) { fillOrder(records[0])}else { #{OrderCommonInformation}.form.reset(); #{ShippingInformationForm}.form.reset(); this.removeAll(); }" />

                <ext:Button ID="btnSave" runat="server" Icon="Disk" TabIndex="119" Text="Save Incentive">
                        <Click Handler="updateOrder();" />
I cannot seem to find any example of someone else using REST methods for store that is bound to form elements. Is there anyone out there that can provide me with a simple example of how to call the update REST method with a button?

Any help on this would be appreciated... Thanks!