[CLOSED] RowLayout Not Rendering Correctly When Some Rows Are Not Visible

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] RowLayout Not Rendering Correctly When Some Rows Are Not Visible

    I have a page where I have a series of forms that layout vertically. Each FormPanel is contained by a LayoutRow within a RowLayout. The issue is that the last few rows do not render properly when you have to scroll to see them (They are not visible when the page first loads).
    Can you show me how to make this work. Is there another way I should do this. Since each form should validate itself and not the others, I thought I could create several forms. This would be similar to the ValidationGroup functionality within asp.net WebForms.

    Here is my sample:
    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <head runat="server">
        <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <ext:ResourceManager ID="ResourceManager1" runat="server" Theme="Gray">
        <ext:Panel ID="pnlExport" runat="server" Title="Export Data" Border="false" Icon="ArrowOut" Padding="0" AutoScroll="true">
                <ext:RowLayout ID="RowLayout1" runat="server">
                            <ext:FormPanel ID="pnlForm1" runat="server" Layout="FormLayout" Frame="true" ButtonAlign="Left" Border="false" Padding="5" Title="eScrip New Members" Margins="5" AutoHeight="true">
                                    <ext:Parameter Name="msgTarget" Value="side" Mode="Value">
                                    <ext:ComboBox runat="server" ID="ddlMonth1" FieldLabel="Month" AllowBlank="false" TypeAhead="true" Editable="true" ForceSelection="true">
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="January" Value="1" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="February" Value="2" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="March" Value="3" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="April" Value="4" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="May" Value="5" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="June" Value="6" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="July" Value="7" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="August" Value="8" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="September" Value="9" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="October" Value="10" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="November" Value="11" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="December" Value="12" />
                                    <ext:ComboBox runat="server" ID="ddlYear1" AllowBlank="false" FieldLabel="Year" TypeAhead="true" Editable="true" ForceSelection="true">
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="2011" Value="2011" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="2012" Value="2012" />
                                    <ext:Button ID="btnGo1" runat="server" Text="GO" AutoPostBack="true">
                            <ext:FormPanel ID="pnlForm2" runat="server" Layout="FormLayout" Frame="true" ButtonAlign="Left" Padding="5" Border="false" Title="eScrip Rx Usage" Margins="5" AutoHeight="true">
                                    <ext:Parameter Name="msgTarget" Value="side" Mode="Value">
                                    <ext:ComboBox runat="server" ID="ddlMonth2" FieldLabel="Month" AllowBlank="false" TypeAhead="true" Editable="true" ForceSelection="true">
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="January" Value="1" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="February" Value="2" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="March" Value="3" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="April" Value="4" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="May" Value="5" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="June" Value="6" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="July" Value="7" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="August" Value="8" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="September" Value="9" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="October" Value="10" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="November" Value="11" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="December" Value="12" />
                                    <ext:ComboBox runat="server" ID="ddlYear2" AllowBlank="false" FieldLabel="Year" TypeAhead="true" Editable="true" ForceSelection="true">
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="2011" Value="2011" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="2012" Value="2012" />
                                    <ext:Button ID="btnGo2" runat="server" Text="GO" AutoPostBack="true">
                            <ext:FormPanel ID="pnlForm3" runat="server" Layout="FormLayout" Frame="true" ButtonAlign="Left" Padding="5" Border="false" Title="Eligibility" Margins="5" AutoHeight="true">
                                    <ext:Parameter Name="msgTarget" Value="side" Mode="Value">
                                    <ext:ComboBox ID="ddlGroup_Eligibility" runat="server" FieldLabel="Group" AllowBlank="false">
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="Group1" Value="1" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="Group2" Value="2" />
                                    <ext:ComboBox runat="server" ID="ddlMonth_Eligibility" FieldLabel="Month" AllowBlank="false" TypeAhead="true" Editable="true" ForceSelection="true">
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="January" Value="1" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="February" Value="2" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="March" Value="3" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="April" Value="4" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="May" Value="5" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="June" Value="6" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="July" Value="7" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="August" Value="8" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="September" Value="9" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="October" Value="10" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="November" Value="11" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="December" Value="12" />
                                    <ext:ComboBox runat="server" ID="ddlYear_Eligibility" AllowBlank="false" FieldLabel="Year" TypeAhead="true" Editable="true" ForceSelection="true">
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="2011" Value="2011" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="2012" Value="2012" />
                                    <ext:Button ID="btnGo3" runat="server" Text="GO" AutoPostBack="true">
                            <ext:FormPanel ID="pnlForm4" runat="server" Layout="FormLayout" Frame="true" ButtonAlign="Left" Padding="5" Border="false" Title="Access Full File (45001059)" Margins="5" AutoHeight="true">
                                    <ext:Parameter Name="msgTarget" Value="side" Mode="Value">
                                    <ext:Button ID="btnGo4" runat="server" Text="GO" AutoPostBack="true">
                            <ext:FormPanel ID="pnlForm5" runat="server" Layout="FormLayout" Frame="true" ButtonAlign="Left" Padding="5" Border="false" Title="Access Daily File (45001059)" Margins="5" AutoHeight="true">
                                    <ext:Parameter Name="msgTarget" Value="side" Mode="Value">
                                    <ext:DateField ID="dfDay_AccessDaily" runat="server" FieldLabel="Day" AllowBlank="false">
                                    <ext:Button ID="btnGo5" runat="server" Text="GO" AutoPostBack="true">
                            <ext:FormPanel ID="pnlForm6" runat="server" Layout="FormLayout" Frame="true" ButtonAlign="Left" Padding="5" Border="false" Title="Careington Full File" Margins="5" AutoHeight="true">
                                    <ext:Parameter Name="msgTarget" Value="side" Mode="Value">
                                    <ext:Button ID="btnGo6" runat="server" Text="GO" AutoPostBack="true">
                            <ext:FormPanel ID="pnlForm7" runat="server" Layout="FormLayout" Frame="true" ButtonAlign="Left" Padding="5" Border="false" Title="Careington Daily Update File" Margins="5" AutoHeight="true">
                                    <ext:Parameter Name="msgTarget" Value="side" Mode="Value">
                                    <ext:DateField ID="dfDay_CareingtonDaily" runat="server" FieldLabel="Day" AllowBlank="false">
                                    <ext:Button ID="btnGo7" runat="server" Text="GO" AutoPostBack="true">
                            <ext:FormPanel ID="pnlForm8" runat="server" Layout="FormLayout" Frame="true" ButtonAlign="Left" Padding="5" Border="false" Title="HealthAdvocate Monthly Update File" Margins="5" AutoHeight="true">
                                    <ext:Parameter Name="msgTarget" Value="side" Mode="Value">
                                    <ext:ComboBox runat="server" ID="ddlMonth_HealthAdvocateMonthly" FieldLabel="Month" AllowBlank="false" TypeAhead="true" Editable="true" ForceSelection="true">
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="January" Value="1" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="February" Value="2" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="March" Value="3" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="April" Value="4" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="May" Value="5" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="June" Value="6" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="July" Value="7" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="August" Value="8" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="September" Value="9" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="October" Value="10" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="November" Value="11" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="December" Value="12" />
                                    <ext:ComboBox runat="server" ID="ddlYear_HealthAdvocateMonthly" AllowBlank="false" FieldLabel="Year" TypeAhead="true" Editable="true" ForceSelection="true">
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="2011" Value="2011" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="2012" Value="2012" />
                                    <ext:Button ID="btnGo8" runat="server" Text="GO" AutoPostBack="true">
                            <ext:FormPanel ID="pnlForm9" runat="server" Layout="FormLayout" Frame="true" ButtonAlign="Left" Padding="5" Border="false" Title="Type 12 File" Margins="5" AutoHeight="true">
                                    <ext:Parameter Name="msgTarget" Value="side" Mode="Value">
                                    <ext:ComboBox ID="cboCompany" runat="server" FieldLabel="Company" AllowBlank="false">
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="Company1" Value="1" />
                                            <ext:ListItem Text="Company2" Value="2" />
                                    <ext:Button ID="btnGo9" runat="server" Text="GO" AutoPostBack="true">
    Last edited by Daniil; Jan 11, 2012 at 7:27 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2

    Maybe it would be better to use the VBoxLayout, or even do not configure a Layout, which will then use the default Auto layout.

    As well, you should move your code over to use the .Layout="VBoxLayout" property, instead of inner Layout controls, such as <ext:VBoxLayout>. The Layout control have been removed from Ext.NET v2, and now only the .Layout property is supported.

    Hope this helps.
    Geoffrey McGill
  3. #3

    I should clarify that the RowLayout and VBoxLayout requires a height of its container (fixed .Height or came from a layout manager of its container).

    Also RowLayout requires RowHeight or Height to be set up for its items,
    VBoxLayout requires Flex or Height to be set up for its items.

    And I agree with Geoffrey that you should not configure any layout.

    I've checked the following thing appears to be rendered correctly.

    <ext:Panel runat="server">
  4. #4

    Very Good

    That seemed to do the trick. Thanks!

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