create direct event in runtime to MenuItem

  1. #1

    create direct event in runtime to MenuItem

    Dear All,
    I Need your Help
    how can i add direct event to MenuItem in Runtime , this is my code : Designer

    <ext:MenuItem  ID="MenuItem1" runat="server" Width="300" Text="Select Period" Icon="BookOpen">
                            <ext:Menu  ID="Menu2" runat="server" BoxMinWidth="300">
                                <ItemClick OnEvent="SetPeriodSession" />
    public void FillPeriods()
            SqlConnection con = Connections.GetSQLConnection();
            string command="SELECT dbo.Schedules.EffectiveDate, dbo.Schedules.ScheduleCode, dbo.Schedules.GroupID,"
            +"dbo.Schedules.PeriodID FROM dbo.Schedules INNER JOIN dbo.Teachers ON dbo.Schedules.TeacherID ="
            +"dbo.Teachers.TID WHERE (dbo.Schedules.TeacherID = @TID)ORDER BY dbo.Schedules.PeriodID";
            SqlCommand com=new SqlCommand(command,con);
            com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TID", Session["TeacherID"].ToString());
            SqlDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader();
            while (reader.Read())
                Ext.Net.MenuItem.Config config = new Ext.Net.MenuItem.Config();
                config.Icon = Icon.BookEdit;
                config.Text = reader[3].ToString();
                config.DirectEvents.Click.ExtraParams.Add(new Ext.Net.Parameter("selected", reader[3].ToString()));
                config.DirectEvents.Click.Event += SetPeriodSession;
                Menu2.Items.Add(new Ext.Net.MenuItem(config));
        public void SetPeriodSession(object o , DirectEventArgs e)
            if (e.Success)
                Session["PeriodNO"] = e.ExtraParams[0].Value;
                SqlConnection con = Connections.GetSQLConnection();
                SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("select GroupID from Schedules where PeriodID=@PID and TeacherID=@TID and status='Active'", con);
                com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PID", Session["PeriodNO"].ToString());
                com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TID", Session["TeacherID"].ToString());
                SqlDataReader dr = com.ExecuteReader();
                while (dr.Read())
                    Session["GroupNO"] = GroupsOperations.GetGroupNo(int.Parse(dr[0].ToString()));
                    lblGroupNo.Text = Session["GroupNO"].ToString();
    Now I need to create direct event in runtime to execute code in Method (SetPeriodSession)
    i used the previous code , but it's not working ???

    thanks in advance
    Last edited by geoffrey.mcgill; Jan 08, 2012 at 6:04 PM. Reason: please use [CODE] tags
  2. #2

    I'm not 100% sure where you call the FillPeriods method, but guess during another DirectEvent.

    If yes, please see:
  3. #3
    I tried More events but it's still not working :(
  4. #4
    Please clarify what do you mean under "More events"?
  5. #5
    i used (Click & ItemClick) , and tried to work with handler with script :
    <script type="text/javascript">
             var getSelectedItem = function (mp) {
                 var index = parseInt(mp.getSelIndexField().getValue()),
                 if (!isNaN(index)) {
                     item =menu2.items.get(index);
                 alert(item ? item.text : "No selected item");

    but it's still not working.
  6. #6
    Please demonstrate how you use Click and ItemClick events.
  7. #7


    Thanks My GOD , I found the Solution :

    In Designer no need to create Directevent
     <ext:Menu  ID="Menu2" runat="server" BoxMinWidth="300">
                                <ItemClick OnEvent="SetPeriodSession" />
    in C# Code i Canceled the Config and Create Ext.Net.MenuItem Directly with a Click Event having a parameter .

        public void FillPeriods()
            SqlConnection con = Connections.GetSQLConnection();
            string command="SELECT dbo.Schedules.EffectiveDate, dbo.Schedules.ScheduleCode, dbo.Schedules.GroupID,"
            +"dbo.Schedules.PeriodID FROM dbo.Schedules INNER JOIN dbo.Teachers ON dbo.Schedules.TeacherID ="
            +"dbo.Teachers.TID WHERE (dbo.Schedules.TeacherID = @TID)ORDER BY dbo.Schedules.PeriodID";
            SqlCommand com=new SqlCommand(command,con);
            com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TID", Session["TeacherID"].ToString());
            SqlDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader();
            while (reader.Read())
                Ext.Net.MenuItem mi = new Ext.Net.MenuItem();
                mi.Icon = Icon.BookAdd;
                mi.Text = reader[3].ToString();
                mi.DirectEvents.Click.ExtraParams["PID"]= reader[3].ToString();
                mi.DirectEvents.Click.Event += new ComponentDirectEvent.DirectEventHandler(SetPeriodSession);
        public void SetPeriodSession(object o, DirectEventArgs e)
            Session["PeriodNO"] = e.ExtraParams[0].Value;
                SqlConnection con = Connections.GetSQLConnection();
                SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("select GroupID from Schedules where PeriodID=@PID and TeacherID=@TID and status='Active'", con);
                com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PID", Session["PeriodNO"].ToString());
                com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TID", Session["TeacherID"].ToString());
                SqlDataReader dr = com.ExecuteReader();
                while (dr.Read())
                    Session["GroupNO"] = GroupsOperations.GetGroupNo(int.Parse(dr[0].ToString()));
                    lblGroupNo.Text = Session["GroupNO"].ToString();
    Now It's Work

    thank you Daniil
    you can close thread Now.
    Last edited by elbanna23; Jan 10, 2012 at 12:55 PM.
  8. #8
    Thanks for sharing the solution, it can help someone on the forums in the future.

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