Using AddHandler in dynamic controls

  1. #1

    Using AddHandler in dynamic controls

    Hi there.
    I am having troubles with using AddHandler in dynamic controls.
    I used this example []
    But form some reason the function [window_CloseEvent] never raises. That function was added to the control event using AddHandler.
    I recreate the dynamic controls in Page_Init, I recreate the AddHandler too, I am sure than the controls doesnt lose on the postbacks. I seaid this because until now, I can add, delete, dynamic controls and I do not lose them in the postbacks.
    I think I use all the stuff showed in the example, but there is something I am missing and I need to know what is it.
    I am in this trouble by several hours.
    My page has plenty of code, and I add here the part of code for this trouble.
    Can you help me with this?
    Thanks in advanced.

    The part of code than create the dynamic control with text controls inside:
    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
    Imports Ext.Net
    Namespace Gravitar.Neptune.Util.Dynamic
        Public Class SolicitudeStopContact
            Inherits FormPanel
            Public iIdSolicitudeStopContact As TextField
            Public sContactName As TextField
            Public sEmail As TextField
            Public sPhone As TextField
            Public sMobile As TextField
            Dim iLanguaje As Integer
            Public Delegate Sub DestroyOnClient(ByVal ctrl As XControl)
            Public Event CloseEvent As DestroyOnClient
            Public Sub New(ByVal Languaje As ConstantsApp.eLanguaje)
                iLanguaje = Languaje
            End Sub
            Protected Overrides Sub OnInit(e As System.EventArgs)
                Dim oLanguage_SolicitudeStopContact As New Gravitar.Neptune.Lang.Solicitude.SolicitudeStopContact(Me.iLanguaje)
                Me.Layout = "AnchorLayout" 'anchor
                'Panel principal
                Dim pnlPrincipal As Panel = New Panel()
                pnlPrincipal.Border = False
                pnlPrincipal.Height = "55"
                pnlPrincipal.Padding = "2"
                Dim pnlPanel1 As Panel = New Panel()
                pnlPanel1.Border = False
                pnlPanel1.Height = "25"
                pnlPanel1.Layout = "HBoxLayout"
                Dim HBoxLayoutConfig1 As HBoxLayoutConfig = New HBoxLayoutConfig()
                HBoxLayoutConfig1.Align = HBoxAlign.Middle
                'Botón de cierre
                Dim cmdClose As Ext.Net.Button = New Ext.Net.Button()
                cmdClose.ID = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", Me.ID, "Button", "CloseButton")
                cmdClose.Icon = Ext.Net.Icon.PageWhiteDelete
                'b.DirectEvents.Click.Event += new ComponentDirectEvent.DirectEventHandler(CloseClick); 'C# version
                AddHandler cmdClose.DirectEvents.Click.Event, AddressOf Me.CloseClick
                Dim FormPanel1 As FormPanel = New FormPanel()
                FormPanel1.Border = False
                FormPanel1.Layout = "AnchorLayout"
                FormPanel1.Flex = "1"
                FormPanel1.Padding = "2"
                Dim FormPanel2 As FormPanel = New FormPanel()
                FormPanel2.Border = False
                FormPanel2.Layout = "AnchorLayout"
                FormPanel2.Flex = "1"
                FormPanel2.Padding = "2"
                Me.sContactName = New TextField
                Me.sContactName.ID = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", Me.ID, "TextField", "sContactName")
                Me.sContactName.AnchorHorizontal = "100%"
                Me.sContactName.FieldLabel = oLanguage_SolicitudeStopContact.langFieldName_sContactName '"sContactName"
                Me.sEmail = New TextField
                Me.sEmail.ID = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", Me.ID, "TextField", "sEmail")
                Me.sEmail.AnchorHorizontal = "100%"
                Me.sEmail.FieldLabel = oLanguage_SolicitudeStopContact.langFieldName_sEmail '"sEmail"
                Dim pnlPanel2 As Panel = New Panel()
                pnlPanel2.Border = False
                pnlPanel2.Height = "25"
                pnlPanel1.Layout = "HBoxLayout"
                Dim HBoxLayoutConfig2 As HBoxLayoutConfig = New HBoxLayoutConfig()
                HBoxLayoutConfig2.Align = HBoxAlign.Middle
                'Dummy space
                Dim FormPanel5 As FormPanel = New FormPanel()
                FormPanel5.Border = False
                FormPanel5.Width = "20"
                Dim FormPanel3 As FormPanel = New FormPanel()
                FormPanel3.Border = False
                FormPanel3.Layout = "AnchorLayout"
                FormPanel3.Flex = "1"
                FormPanel3.Padding = "2"
                Dim FormPanel4 As FormPanel = New FormPanel()
                FormPanel4.Border = False
                FormPanel4.Layout = "AnchorLayout"
                FormPanel4.Flex = "1"
                FormPanel4.Padding = "2"
                Me.sPhone = New TextField
                Me.sPhone.ID = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", Me.ID, "TextField", "sPhone")
                Me.sPhone.AnchorHorizontal = "100%"
                Me.sPhone.FieldLabel = oLanguage_SolicitudeStopContact.langFieldName_sPhone '"sPhone"
                Me.sMobile = New TextField
                Me.sMobile.ID = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", Me.ID, "TextField", "sMobile")
                Me.sMobile.AnchorHorizontal = "100%"
                Me.sMobile.FieldLabel = oLanguage_SolicitudeStopContact.langFieldName_sMobile '"sMobile"
                Me.iIdSolicitudeStopContact = New TextField
                Me.iIdSolicitudeStopContact.ID = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", Me.ID, "TextField", "iIdSolicitudeStopContact")
                Me.iIdSolicitudeStopContact.Hidden = True
                Me.iIdSolicitudeStopContact.FieldLabel = oLanguage_SolicitudeStopContact.langFieldName_iIdSolicitudeStopContact '"iIdSolicitudeStopContact"
            End Sub
            Private Sub CloseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
                Me.Destroy() 'Destruir (y por ende ocultar) el control del lado del cliente
                RaiseEvent CloseEvent(Me) 'invocar al evento que llama a la función [RemoveFromRecreation] que borra el nombre de la lista genérica
            End Sub
        End Class
    End Namespace
    The Page_Init code
        Protected Sub Page_Init(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
            If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
            End If
            Dim ids As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String) = Me.Session("CreatedWindows")
            If Not ids Is Nothing Then
                For Each id As String In ids
                    Dim w As Dynamic.SolicitudeStopContact = New Dynamic.SolicitudeStopContact(Me.oSesion.iLenguaje)
                    w.ID = id
                    AddHandler w.CloseEvent, AddressOf Me.window_CloseEvent 'This line was added by me (It was not in the Ext.Net forum example).
            End If
        End Sub
    The part of code in VB than uses the dynamic controls:
    	#Region "Métodos de Uso de Controles Dinámicos"
        Protected Sub btnNew_SolicitudeStopContact_DirectClick(sender As Object, e As Ext.Net.DirectEventArgs) Handles btnNew_SolicitudeStopContact.DirectClick
            Dim id As String = String.Format("{0}{1}", "MyObjectNew", Shared_iDynamicControlCounter)
            Shared_iDynamicControlCounter += 1
            Dim w As Dynamic.SolicitudeStopContact = New Dynamic.SolicitudeStopContact(Me.oSesion.iLenguaje)
            w.ID = id
            AddHandler w.CloseEvent, AddressOf Me.window_CloseEvent
        End Sub
        Private Sub AddToRecreation(ByVal sControlId As String)
            Dim ids As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String) = Me.Session("CreatedWindows")
            If ids Is Nothing Then
                ids = New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
                Me.Session("CreatedWindows") = ids
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub RemoveAllFromRecreation()
            'Kill all dynamic controls
            Dim ids As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String) = Me.Session("CreatedWindows")
            If Not ids Is Nothing Then
                For Each id As String In ids
                    Dim w As Dynamic.SolicitudeStopContact = Container_StopContact.FindControl(id)
                    w.Destroy() 'Destruir el control del lado del cliente
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub RemoveFromRecreation(ByVal sControlId As String)
            Dim ids As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String) = Me.Session("CreatedWindows")
            'TODO: mandar llamar a la función que eliminará el contacto
            'pero primero asegurarse si el ID es del tipo New o no
            If Not ids Is Nothing Then
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub LoadRecordToDB_SolicitudeStopContact(ByVal iIdSolicitudeStop As Integer)
            'Primero ciclar la "recreation"
            Dim ids As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String) = Me.Session("CreatedWindows")
            If Not ids Is Nothing Then
                For Each id As String In ids
                    Dim w As Dynamic.SolicitudeStopContact = Container_StopContact.FindControl(id)
                    w.ID = id
                    'Luego llamar al ABC
                    Dim oDataObject As New SolicitudeStopContact
                    oDataObject.iIdSolicitude = Me.txtiIdSolicitude.Text
                    oDataObject.iIdSolicitudeStop = iIdSolicitudeStop
                    oDataObject.iIdSolicitudeStopContact = IIf(w.ID.Contains("MyObjectNew"), "0", w.iIdSolicitudeStopContact)
                    oDataObject.sContactName = w.sContactName.Text
                    oDataObject.sEmail = w.sEmail.Text
                    oDataObject.sPhone = w.sPhone.Text
                    oDataObject.sMobile = w.sMobile.Text
                    oDataObject.iIdLoggedUser = oSesion.iIdEmpleado
                    If w.ID.Contains("MyObjectNew") = True Then
                        If Not oDataObject.Create() Then
                            ExtMessageBox.ShowAlert(Me.langMessageTitle_Error, Me.langMessageBody_CreateError, Me.langMessageButton_Ok)
                            Exit Sub
                            'ExtMessageBox.ShowAlert(Me.langMessageTitle_Notification, Me.langMessageBody_CreateSuccess, Me.langMessageButton_Ok)
                        End If
                        If Not oDataObject.Update Then
                            ExtMessageBox.ShowAlert(Me.langMessageTitle_Error, Me.langMessageBody_UpdateError, Me.langMessageButton_Ok)
                            Exit Sub
                            'ExtMessageBox.ShowAlert(Me.langMessageTitle_Notification, Me.langMessageBody_UpdateSuccess, Me.langMessageButton_Ok)
                        End If
                    End If
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub LoadRecordToForm_SolicitudeStopContact(ByVal iIdSolicitudeStop As Integer)
            'Primero traer en una tabla todos los contactos
            Dim oDataObject As New SolicitudeStopContact
            Dim oDt As DataTable = Nothing
            oDataObject.iIdSolicitude = Me.txtiIdSolicitude.Text
            oDataObject.iIdSolicitudeStop = iIdSolicitudeStop
            oDt = oDataObject.List()
            If Not oDt Is Nothing AndAlso oDt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
                'Luego ciclar la tabla
                For Each dr As DataRow In oDt.Rows
                    Dim id As String = String.Format("{0}{1}", "MyObjectOld", Shared_iDynamicControlCounter)
                    Shared_iDynamicControlCounter += 1
                    Dim w As Dynamic.SolicitudeStopContact = New Dynamic.SolicitudeStopContact(Me.oSesion.iLenguaje)
                    w.ID = id
                    AddHandler w.CloseEvent, AddressOf Me.window_CloseEvent
                    w.iIdSolicitudeStopContact.Text = dr("iIdSolicitudeStopContact").ToString
                    w.sContactName.Text = dr("sContactName").ToString()
                    w.sEmail.Text = dr("sEmail").ToString()
                    w.sPhone.Text = dr("sPhone").ToString()
                    w.sMobile.Text = dr("sMobile").ToString()
            End If
        End Sub
        Sub window_CloseEvent(ByVal ctrl As XControl)
        End Sub
    #End Region
    The html code:
    <ext:Container ID="Container_StopContact" runat="server" AutoHeight="true" />
    My page behavior is the same if I delete this line:
    AddHandler w.CloseEvent, AddressOf Me.window_CloseEvent
    Last edited by kabalkunz; Jan 08, 2012 at 8:31 PM.
  2. #2
    Hi there!
    Any hint about this?
    Thks in advance.
  3. #3

    The default CloseAction is "hide" in Ext.NET.!...fg-closeAction

    Therefore a Window is not closed by default, it's hidden.

    Please set up CloseAction="Close" for a Window or handle its Hide event.
  4. #4
    Oh, I see, thks a lot!
    My problem has solved.

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