[CLOSED] Custom event in custom tree panel not being generated

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Custom event in custom tree panel not being generated


    I am sure I am missing something really obvious but just can't seem to see it.

    I have been using a custom tree panel and the code needed to set that up is quite nice and simple. As the next step, I want to raise a custom event (client side, using .addEvents and .fireEvents etc). As a standalone JavaScript object extending tree panel that seems fine, but I want to expose it via Ext.Net listeners.

    I've been following advice from these two posts about create custom events:


    I see for now I have to create a custom listeners object (I have a suggestion to overcome this which I will create in a separate post).

    The problem I am having is that the although Visual Studio recognizes the custom listeners when it is generating the JavaScript, the custom listener is not coming through.


    1. The custom listeners with one custom event

    public class CustomListeners : TreePanelListeners
        private ComponentListener _myCustomEvent;
    [ListenerArgument(0, "node")]
    [ListenerArgument(1, "e")]
        [ConfigOption("myCustomEvent", typeof(ListenerJsonConverter))]
        [Description("Fires whenever...!")]
        public virtual ComponentListener MyCustomEvent
            get { return _myCustomEvent ?? (_myCustomEvent = new ComponentListener()); }
    2. My custom tree panel

    public class MyCustomTree : TreePanel
        public override string XType { get { return "Ext.ux.MyCustomTreePanel"; } }
        public override string InstanceOf { get { return "Ext.ux.MyCustomTreePanel"; } }
        private CustomListeners _customListeners;
        [ConfigOption("listeners", JsonMode.Object)]
        [Category("2. Observable")]
        [Description("Client-side JavaScript Event Handlers, specific to this CustomTree")]
        public CustomListeners CustomListeners
            get { return _customListeners ?? (_customListeners = new CustomListeners()); }
        // Courtesy of http://forums.ext.net/showthread.php?12416-CLOSED-Custom-control-extra-event
        public override ConfigOptionsCollection ConfigOptions
                ConfigOptionsCollection list = base.ConfigOptions;
                list.Add("customListeners", new ConfigOption("customListeners", new SerializationOptions("listeners", JsonMode.Object), null, CustomListeners));
                return list;
    3. My custom tree panel JavaScript:

    Ext.ux.MyCustomTreePanel = Ext.extend(Ext.net.TreePanel, {
        initComponent: function() {
            Ext.ux.MyCustomTreePanel.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
            this.on("click", this.onClick);
        onClick: function(node, e) {
            // Silly example, but just to demonstrate raising custom event at some point
            this.fireEvent('myCustomEvent', node, this);
    Ext.reg('Ext.ux.MyCustomTreePanel', Ext.ux.MyCustomTreePanel);
    4. Example usage:

    <custom:MyCustomTree ID="CustomTree1" runat="server" Title="Tree" AutoHeight="true" Border="false">
            <ext:TreeNode NodeID="100" Text="Root" Expanded="true">
                    <ext:TreeNode Text="Node1" />
                    <ext:TreeNode Text="Node2" />
            <MyCustomEvent Handler="console.log('myCustomEvent', arguments);" />
    5. What viewsource of page with custom tree looks like (pretty printed)

    new Ext.ux.MyCustomTreePanel({
        id: "CustomTree1",
        renderTo: "CustomTree1_Container",
        autoHeight: true,
        border: false,
        title: "Tree",
        nodes: [{
            id: "100",
            expanded: true,
            text: "Root",
            children: [{
                text: "Node1"
            }, {
                text: "Node2"
    Problem: I don't see the listeners configuration in the generated JavaScript.

    It feels like I missing something really obvious?
    Last edited by Daniil; Jan 04, 2012 at 5:59 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Hi @anup,

    You should also override the ConfigOptions of the CustomListeners class.

    public class CustomListeners : TreePanelListeners
        private ComponentListener _myCustomEvent;
    [ListenerArgument(0, "node")]
    [ListenerArgument(1, "e")]
        [ConfigOption("myCustomEvent", typeof(ListenerJsonConverter))]
        [Description("Fires whenever...!")]
        public virtual ComponentListener MyCustomEvent
            get { return _myCustomEvent ?? (_myCustomEvent = new ComponentListener()); }
        public override ConfigOptionsCollection ConfigOptions
                ConfigOptionsCollection list = base.ConfigOptions;
                list.Add("myCustomEvent", new ConfigOption("myCustomEvent", new SerializationOptions("myCustomEvent", typeof(ListenerJsonConverter)), null, this.MyCustomEvent));
                return list;
  3. #3
    Awesome. So many thanks for such a quick response! Wasn't expecting a reply until some time in the new year :)

    That worked. I didn't see that in the previous posts, but makes sense now.
  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by anup View Post
    I didn't see that in the previous posts
    I can't see as well. Well, I think I should extend the Vladimir's post with that important detail.
  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniil View Post
    I can't see as well. Well, I think I should extend the Vladimir's post with that important detail.
    That's a good idea.
  6. #6

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