
I have used a Text Area Field inside my Form Panel.I have Set the MaxLength property of Text Area Field too.

The Problem is that when i try to validate my form panel on a button click event it shows an error as
this.getValue() is null or not an object

My Code is Below

<ext:TextArea ID="TxtCtrlAddress" runat="server" FieldLabel="Address" AnchorHorizontal="50%"
MaxLength="150" />

Error :

Ext.override(Ext.form.TextArea,{initComponent:func tion(){Ext.form.TextArea.superclass.initComponent. call(this);if(this.maxLength!==Number.MAX_VALUE&&t his.truncate===true){this.on("invalid",function(){ if(this.getValue().length>this.maxLength){this.setValue(this.getValue ().substr(0,this.maxLength));}});}}});

Where i stucked up...Pls Help...