Rowexpander - update template values on GP save/reload

  1. #1

    Rowexpander - update template values on GP save/reload

    I have a rowexpander set with a template in my GP - when I make an edit and save/reload the grid - the values in my template are not getting (re)bound to their new values (based upon the change I make in my grid) - if I use a girdview - the values do change upon reload/save but not with a template - is there a way to force them to refresh (template binding)?

    <ext:RowExpander ID="RowExpander1" runat="server" Collapsed="true">
    <Template ID="Template1"  runat="server">
                            <p>Original:  {Original}</p>
                            <p>New:  {New}</p>
  2. #2

    RE: Rowexpander - update template values on GP save/reload


    Try to add to the RowExpander

    ** * <ext:ConfigItem Name="enableCaching" Value="false" Mode="Raw" />

  3. #3

    RE: Rowexpander - update template values on GP save/reload

    Perfect! That did the trick!!! If you dont mind me asking -where is the best place to go and learn more about this?
  4. #4

    RE: Rowexpander - update template values on GP save/reload

    Unfortunatelly, the row expander is not documented yet (because it is plugin) . I found that we missed some properties (like enableCaching). So, the single way is investigate js source code of row expander. You can find it in coolite-data.js file

  5. #5

    RE: Rowexpander - update template values on GP save/reload

  6. #6

    RE: Rowexpander - update template values on GP save/reload

    I fonud a way can solved it ,It was that after the ajax click event success add a function .
    <ext:Button ID="btnComplete"  runat="server" Text="Complete"   CausesValidation="true">
                                            <Click OnEvent="btnComplete_Click"   ViewStateMode="Include" Success=" var count = #{DriverLicensesStore}.getCount();for(var i = 0 ; i< count ; i++){#{gvDriverLicenses}.plugins.collapseRow(i);} for(var i =count-1; i>=0; i--){#{gvDriverLicenses}.plugins.expandRow(i);}"></Click>
    It only work on ext button ,asp button can't work .

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