Nov 10, 2011, 11:52 AM
Drag and drop reordering in Dataview
Hi ,
I have a dataview as given below,
I want to reorder the items within this Dataview through drag and drop
Thanks in advance
I have a dataview as given below,
I want to reorder the items within this Dataview through drag and drop
<ext:DataView LoadingText="loading.." loadingCls="x-mask-loading" ID="Dashboard"
runat="server" StoreID="StoreTOC" SingleSelect="true" OverClass="x-view-over" ItemSelector="div.item-wrap"
AutoHeight="true" EmptyText="No links display" Visible="true">
<Template ID="Template1" runat="server" EnableTheming="true">
<div id="items-ct">
<tpl for=".">
<a href="javascript:LoadControl()">
<div class="mainBtnbg">
<p>Action: Open {Name} Page</p>
<span style="display:none;" class="appbardelete" onclick="javascript:DeleteHandler('{UID}');"></span>
<span style="display:none;" class="appbaredit" onclick="javascript:EditHandler('{UID}');"></span>
<span class="greaterthenarrow"></span>
Any help is greatly appreaciatedThanks in advance
Last edited by Daniil; Nov 11, 2011 at 9:42 AM.
Reason: Please use [CODE] tags