[CLOSED] Anchor Layout Issue (IE)

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  1. #31
    I can't reproduce it.

    What is the layout of that Panel?

    Posting a runnable sample to reproduce would be best.
  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniil View Post
    I can't reproduce it.

    What is the layout of that Panel?

    Posting a runnable sample to reproduce would be best.
    this post should be runnable, and able to reproduce

    i use IE8

    step to reproduce, just run it and click on the 2nd icon (2nd panel).

    or if you still unable to reproduce, is it possible to reset the columnlayout to be splitted 40:60 with script?
  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by ihis_dev_centre View Post
    this post should be runnable, and able to reproduce

    i use IE8

    step to reproduce, just run it and click on the 2nd icon (2nd panel).
    Ok, I will check.

    Quote Originally Posted by ihis_dev_centre View Post
    or if you still unable to reproduce, is it possible to reset the columnlayout to be splitted 40:60 with script?
    You could call
    in a Expand listener of a toggled panel.
  4. #34
    The .doLayout() doesn't help.

    I've discovered the problem and investigating.
  5. #35
    The bug ticket has been created.

    The fix has been added to SVN, revision #3766.

    Please update and re-test.

    Here is my test case.


    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <script runat="server">
        public bool IsAllowToogle()
            return true;
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <head runat="server">
        <title>Ext.Net Example</title>
        <ext:ResourcePlaceHolder runat="server" Mode="ScriptFiles" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="resources/js/MyAccordionLayout.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var toggle = function (b) {
                var p = b.ownerCt.ownerCt;
                    success : function (r) {
                        if (r) {
                        } else {
        <style type="text/css">
            .ext-ie6 .x-column {
                padding: 0px !important;
        <form runat="server">
            <ext:ResourceManager runat="server" />
            <ext:Viewport runat="server" Layout="BorderLayout">
                        Html="North" />
                                    <ext:Toolbar runat="server">
                                            <ext:Button runat="server" Text="Toogle" StandOut="true">
                                                    <Click Fn="toggle" />
                                    <ext:Panel runat="server" ColumnWidth="0.40" />
                                    <ext:Panel runat="server" ColumnWidth="0.60" />
                                    <ext:ColumnLayoutConfig Split="true" />
                                    <ext:Toolbar runat="server">
                                            <ext:Button runat="server" Text="Toogle" StandOut="true">
                                                    <Click Fn="toggle" />
                                    <ext:Panel runat="server" ColumnWidth="0.4" />
                                    <ext:Panel runat="server" ColumnWidth="0.3" />
                                    <ext:Panel runat="server" ColumnWidth="0.3" />
    Last edited by Daniil; Nov 14, 2011 at 8:00 AM.
  6. #36
    hi Daniil,

    when you say available in SVN, do I need to download the source and build manually?

    is it possible to having the latest .dll only?

  7. #37
    Yes. The dlls will be available in the next official release.

    You can fix it adding the following thing on a page.
    <ext:ResourcePlaceHolder runat="server" Mode="ScriptFiles" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="ColumnLayout.js"></script>
    Ext.net.ColumnLayout = Ext.extend(Ext.layout.ContainerLayout, {
        monitorResize : true,
        extraCls      : "x-column",
        scrollOffset  : 0,
        margin        : 0,
        split         : false,
        fitHeight     : true,
        background    : false,
        // private
        isValidParent : function (c, target) {
            return this.innerCt && (c.getPositionEl ? c.getPositionEl() : c.getEl()).dom.parentNode == this.innerCt.dom;
        renderAll : function (ct, target) {
            if (this.split && !this.splitBars) {
                this.splitBars = [];
                this.margin = this.margin || 5;
            Ext.net.ColumnLayout.superclass.renderAll.apply(this, arguments);
        getLayoutTargetSize : function () {
            var target = this.container.getLayoutTarget(), 
            if (target) {
                ret = target.getViewSize();
                // IE in strict mode will return a width of 0 on the 1st pass of getViewSize.
                // Use getStyleSize to verify the 0 width, the adjustment pass will then work properly
                // with getViewSize
                if (Ext.isIE && Ext.isStrict && ret.width === 0) {
                    ret =  target.getStyleSize();
                ret.width -= (target.getPadding("lr") +  this.scrollOffset);
                ret.height -= target.getPadding("tb");
            return ret;
        // private
        onLayout : function (ct, target) {
            var cs = ct.items.items, len = cs.length, c, cel, i, 
                splitsWidth = 0;       
            if (!this.innerCt) {
                if (this.background) {
                this.innerCt = target.createChild({ cls : "x-column-inner" });
                this.innerCt.createChild({ cls : "x-clear" });
            this.renderAll(ct, this.innerCt);
            //var size = Ext.isIE && ((target.dom != Ext.getBody().dom) && (target.dom != (Ext.net.ResourceMgr.getAspForm() || {}).dom)) ? target.getStyleSize() : target.getViewSize();
            var size = this.getLayoutTargetSize();
            if (size.width < 1 && size.height < 1) { // display none?
            var w = size.width,
                h = size.height;
            this.availableWidth = w;
            var pw = this.availableWidth, 
            if (this.fitHeight) {
                this.innerCt.setSize(w, h);
            } else {
            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                c = cs[i];
                cel = c.getPositionEl();
                if (this.margin && (i < (len - 1))) {
                    cel.setStyle("margin-right", this.margin + "px");
                if (c.columnWidth) {
                    lastProportionedColumn = i;
                } else {
                    pw -= c.getSize().width;
                if (i < (len - 1)) {
                    pw -= (cel.getMargins("lr") || this.margin);
            var remaining = (pw = pw < 0 ? 0 : pw),
                splitterPos = 0, 
            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                c = cs[i];
                cel = c.getPositionEl();
                if (c.columnWidth) {
                    cw = (i === lastProportionedColumn) ? remaining : Math.floor(c.columnWidth * pw);
                    cmargin = cel.getMargins("lr");
                    if (!cmargin && (i < (len - 1))) {
                        cmargin = this.margin;
                    cmargin = 0;
                    if (this.fitHeight) {
                        c.setSize(cw - cmargin, h);
                    } else {
                        c.setSize(cw - cmargin);
                    remaining -= cw;
                } else if (this.fitHeight) {
                if (this.split) {
                    cw = cel.getWidth();
                    if (i < (len - 1)) {
                        splitterPos += cw;
                        if (this.splitBars[i]) {
                        } else {
                            this.splitBars[i] = new Ext.SplitBar(this.innerCt.createChild({
                                cls   : "x-layout-split x-layout-split-west",
                                style : {
                                    top    : "0px",
                                    left   : splitterPos + "px",
                                    height : h + "px"
                            }), cel);
                            this.splitBars[i].index = i;
                            this.splitBars[i].leftComponent = c;
                            this.splitBars[i].addListener("resize", this.onColumnResize, this);
                            minSize = Math.max(c.boxMinWidth || 5, 5);
                            this.splitBars[i].minSize = minSize
                            splitsWidth += minSize;
                        splitterPos += this.splitBars[i].el.getWidth();
                    this.maxWidth = pw - splitsWidth;
            if (this.split) {
            if (Ext.isIE) {
                if (i = target.getStyle("overflow") && i !== "hidden" && !this.adjustmentPass) {
                    var ts = this.getLayoutTargetSize();
                    if (ts.width !== size.width) {
                        this.adjustmentPass = true;
                        this.onLayout(ct, target);
            delete this.adjustmentPass;
        //  On column resize, explicitly size the Components to the left and right of the SplitBar
        onColumnResize : function (sb, newWidth) {
            if (sb.dragSpecs.startSize) {
                var items = this.container.items.items,
                    expansion = newWidth - sb.dragSpecs.startSize,
                for (i = sb.index + 1, len = items.length; expansion && i < len; i++) {
                    c = items[i];
                    w = c.el.getWidth();
                    newWidth = w - expansion;
                    if (newWidth < this.minWidth) {
                    } else if (newWidth > this.maxWidth) {
                        expansion -= (newWidth - this.maxWidth);
                    } else {
                        c.setWidth(c.el.getWidth() - expansion);
        setMaxWidths : function () {
            var items = this.container.items.items,
                spare = items[items.length - 1].el.dom.offsetWidth - 100,
                i = items.length - 2;
            for (i; i > -1; i--) {
                var sb = this.splitBars[i], 
                    sbel = sb.el, 
                    c = items[i], 
                    cel = c.el,
                    itemWidth = cel.dom.offsetWidth;
                sbel.setStyle("left", (cel.getX() - Ext.fly(cel.dom.parentNode).getX() + itemWidth) + "px");
                sb.maxSize = itemWidth + spare;
                spare = itemWidth - 100;
        onResize : function () {
            if (this.split) {
                var items = this.container.items.items, tw = 0, c, i,
                if (items[0].rendered) {
                    for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                        c = items[i];
                        tw += c.el.getWidth() + c.el.getMargins("lr");
                    for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                        c = items[i];
                        elWidth = c.el.getWidth();
                        if (elWidth > 0) {
                            c.columnWidth = (elWidth + c.el.getMargins("lr")) / tw;
            Ext.net.ColumnLayout.superclass.onResize.apply(this, arguments);
    Ext.reg("netcolumn", Ext.net.ColumnLayout);
    Ext.Container.LAYOUTS.netcolumn = Ext.net.ColumnLayout;
  8. #38
    will it crash / override if somehow i upgrade the .dll to the next version ?
  9. #39
    No, it should not.

    You can just remove it after update.
  10. #40
    ok last question.

    is it possible to have the panel expand/collapsed/toggled via code behind/directevents/directmenthods instead of js?
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