Please provide some sample about treegrid.

  1. #1

    Please provide some sample about treegrid.

    Hi friends,
    I want to implement treegrid feature. I saw one example in the link

    how can i implement the above example from server side with some data source...

    Please provide me some sample example...

    I am using version 1.0 with VS2008.

    Thank you
  2. #2

    Currently there is no DataSource or <ext:Store> available for the TreeGrid. We're expecting to support this functionality in a later release, but the v1.x build does not support.

    If you really wan to use an <asp:DataSource>, you should be able to loop through the results and build the TreeGrid dynamically from that data.
    Geoffrey McGill
  3. #3

    Please note also that you can use any type of TreePanel loaders. It works with a TreeGrid fine.

    Loading nodes using a DirectMethod is possible as well:
  4. #4
    Thanks... I solved my problem by looping through the datatable.

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