GridFilters Plugin created from Code behind using HttpProxy

  1. #1

    GridFilters Plugin created from Code behind using HttpProxy

    Hi. I am trying to implement something very similar to this post:

    The only difference is all my gridpanel, store and gridfilter plugins are generated from code behind. Any help would be appreciated.

    I have the following code:
            private Store BuildStore(Trade_RecType rectype, string sDate)
                JsonReader rdr = new JsonReader();
                PropertyInfo[] oProps = (typeof(TradeData)).GetProperties();
                foreach (PropertyInfo pi in oProps)
                    Type colType = pi.PropertyType;
                rdr.Root = "d.Data";
                rdr.TotalProperty = "d.TotalRecords";
                HttpProxy proxy = new HttpProxy() { Url = "DTCWebService.asmx/DataPagingFilter", Method = HttpMethod.POST, Json = true };
                Store store = new Store
                    AutoLoad = true,
                    RemoteSort = true,
                    ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static,
                    RemotePaging = true,
                    SortInfo = { Field = "dtcControlNum", Direction = ExtJS.SortDirection.ASC },
                    RemoteGroup = true
                store.AutoLoadParams.Add(new ExtJS.Parameter { Name = "strDtUpload", Value = sDate, Mode = ParameterMode.Value });
                store.AutoLoadParams.Add(new ExtJS.Parameter { Name = "rectype", Value = rectype.ToString(), Mode = ParameterMode.Value });
                store.AutoLoadParams.Add(new ExtJS.Parameter { Name = "start", Value = "0", Mode = ParameterMode.Raw });
                store.AutoLoadParams.Add(new ExtJS.Parameter { Name = "limit", Value = "25", Mode = ParameterMode.Raw });
                store.BaseParams.Add(new ExtJS.Parameter { Name = "strDtUpload", Value = sDate, Mode = ParameterMode.Value });
                store.BaseParams.Add(new ExtJS.Parameter { Name = "rectype", Value = rectype.ToString(), Mode = ParameterMode.Value });
                return store;
            private GridPanel BuildGridPanel(Trade_RecType rectype, string sDate)
                GridPanel grid = new GridPanel();
                ColumnCollection cols = dtcConfirmRepository.GetGridColumns(rectype);
                grid.ColumnLines = true;
                grid.SelectionModel.Add(new RowSelectionModel() { SingleSelect = true });
                grid.LoadMask.Msg = "Loading...";
                grid.LoadMask.ShowMask = true;
                grid.BottomBar.Add(new PagingToolbar { PageSize = 25 });
                grid.GetStore().BaseParams.Add(new ExtJS.Parameter { Name = "filter", Value = "#{" + grid.ID + "}.getFilterPlugin().buildQuery(#{"+grid.ID+"}.getFilterPlugin().getFilterData())", Mode = ParameterMode.Raw, Encode=true });
                return grid;
            private GridFilters GetGridFilters(Trade_RecType rectype)
                GridFilters filters = new GridFilters() { Local = false, Visible=true, ShowMenu=true };
                GridFilterCollection filterColl = new GridFilterCollection();
                filterColl.Add(new StringFilter { DataIndex="ControlNum"});
                return filters;
    Also what should I call my filter parameter in my webservice. I've seen posts to call it "gridfilters" while others say to call it "filter". I've tried both but neither one is working.

    Thank you.
  2. #2

    I fixed it by assigning an ID to my grid created in the code behind.

    private GridPanel BuildGridPanel(Trade_RecType rectype, string sDate)
    GridPanel grid = new GridPanel();
    grid.ID = rectype.ToString();
    ColumnCollection cols = dtcConfirmRepository.GetGridColumns(rectype);
    grid.ColumnLines = true;

    grid.ColumnModel.Defaults.Add(new ExtJS.Parameter { Name = "width", Value = "80", Mode = ParameterMode.Raw });
    grid.SelectionModel.Add(new RowSelectionModel() { SingleSelect = true });
    grid.LoadMask.Msg = "Loading...";
    grid.LoadMask.ShowMask = true;
    grid.BottomBar.Add(new PagingToolbar { PageSize = 25 });
    grid.GetStore().BaseParams.Add(new ExtJS.Parameter { Name = "filter", Value = "#{" + grid.ID + "}.getFilterPlugin().buildQuery(#{"+grid.ID+"}.get FilterPlugin().getFilterData())", Mode = ParameterMode.Raw, Encode=true });
    return grid;


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