I have the below - which returns a valis JSON object - but how do I go about binding it to a store?

                    GetDRG: {
                        DiagnosticCodes: diagnosticCodes,
                        ProceduralCodes: proceduralCodes,
                        FirstName: firstName,
                        LastName: lastName,
                        DateOfService: dateOfService,
                        LengthOfStay: lengthOfStay,
                        DischargeStatus: dischargeStatus,
                        DateOfBirth: dateOfBirth,
                        Gender: gender
                }, function (e) {
                    var test = e.Result;
                        GetDRGInfo: { Drg: test }
                    }, function (e) {
                        Store1.loadData(test, false);
here is the JSON object:

{"Result":{"Value":125,"MDC":"02","MDCDescription" :"Diseases and Disorders of the Eye.","Type":"MED","Title":"OTHER DISORDERS OF THE EYE W/O MCC","RelativeWeight":0.6859,"GeometricLOS":2.7,"A verageLengthOfStay":3.4,"Comments":""}}