[CLOSED] Store State

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Store State


    I had small question on store state.....

    I had a grid panel and a store, when the page loads I am binding in the store to the grid with some data source.
    After that I do lot of changes to grid like hide few columns, sort a column, group by a column and filter a column.

    Now, Are the changes are happening in store ?
    If so I want to know what are the events (server side or client ) that fire ?

    Why because when I tried to get the store state (In a AjaxMthod, button click) it is showing null for most of the properties..

    I want to savethe above store properties in to the database....How can I find them?

  2. #2

    RE: [CLOSED] Store State


    1. Use ColumnModel listeners/ajaxevent to tracj column hiding
    <HiddenChange Fn="columnHiddenChange"/>
    function columnHiddenChange(colModel, columnIndex, isHidden){
    2. Sort:
    Returns an object describing the current sort state of this Store.
    The sort state of the Store. An object with two properties:
    field : String
    The name of the field by which the Records are sorted.
    direction : String
    The sort order, "ASC" or "DESC" (case-sensitive).

    4. As I know filter condition is not saved in store and loose after filter operation
    Last edited by Daniil; Dec 16, 2010 at 4:04 PM. Reason: Wrapped in [CODE] tags
  3. #3

    RE: [CLOSED] Store State

    Hi Valdsch, Thanks for the reply.


    I am adding the Column Model dynamically to my grid in the code behind so I am not sure how to add the HiddenChagne Listener to that....

    I appriciate if you can send me a small snippet of code with adding the method in codebehind and its signature [AjaxMethod]

    2) I could not find the getSortState methodand I need a sample code for this

    3) I will work on this and let you know

    4) Any other way to handle the filter condition status ?
  4. #4

    RE: [CLOSED] Store State


    I prepared an example which can help you to make own save settings

    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Import Namespace="System.Xml"%>
    <%@ Import Namespace="System.Collections.ObjectModel" %>
    <%@ Import Namespace="System.Collections.Generic" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Coolite.Ext.Web" Namespace="Coolite.Ext.Web" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <head id="Head1" runat="server">
        <title>GridPanel with Local Filtering, Sorting and Paging - Coolite Toolkit Examples
        <script runat="server">
            public static List<object> Data
                    var goods = new List<object>
                                            Id = 1,
                                            Price = 71.72,
                                            Company = "3m Co",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2007, 9, 1),
                                            Size = "large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 2,
                                            Price = 29.01,
                                            Company = "Aloca Inc",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2007, 08, 01),
                                            Size = "medium",
                                            Visible = false
                                            Id = 3,
                                            Price = 83.81,
                                            Company = "Altria Group Inc",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2007, 08, 03),
                                            Size = "large",
                                            Visible = false
                                            Id = 4,
                                            Price = 52.55,
                                            Company = "American Express Company",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2008, 01, 04),
                                            Size = "extra large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 5,
                                            Price = 64.13,
                                            Company = "American International Group Inc.",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2008, 03, 04),
                                            Size = "small",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 6,
                                            Price = 31.61,
                                            Company = "AT&amp;T Inc.",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2008, 02, 01),
                                            Size = "extra large",
                                            Visible = false
                                            Id = 7,
                                            Price = 75.43,
                                            Company = "Boeing Co.",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2008, 01, 01),
                                            Size = "large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 8,
                                            Price = 67.27,
                                            Company = "Caterpillar Inc.",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2007, 12, 03),
                                            Size = "medium",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 9,
                                            Price = 49.37,
                                            Company = "Citigroup, Inc.",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2007, 11, 24),
                                            Size = "large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 10,
                                            Price = 40.48,
                                            Company = "E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2007, 05, 09),
                                            Size = "extra large",
                                            Visible = false
                                            Id = 11,
                                            Price = 68.1,
                                            Company = "Exxon Mobile Corp",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2007, 12, 12),
                                            Size = "large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 12,
                                            Price = 34.14,
                                            Company = "General Electric Company",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2008, 06, 16),
                                            Size = "extra large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 13,
                                            Price = 30.27,
                                            Company = "General Motors Corporation",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2006, 12, 07),
                                            Size = "medium",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 14,
                                            Price = 36.53,
                                            Company = "Hewlett-Packard Co.",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2007, 05, 13),
                                            Size = "large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 15,
                                            Price = 38.77,
                                            Company = "Honweywell Intl Inc",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2006, 11, 07),
                                            Size = "medium",
                                            Visible = false
                                            Id = 16,
                                            Price = 19.88,
                                            Company = "Intel Corporation",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2007, 01, 09),
                                            Size = "small",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 17,
                                            Price = 81.41,
                                            Company = "International Business Machines",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2005, 01, 21),
                                            Size = "extra large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 18,
                                            Price = 64.72,
                                            Company = "Johnson &amp; Johnson",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2008, 01, 10),
                                            Size = "extra large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 19,
                                            Price = 45.73,
                                            Company = "JP Morgan &amp; Chase &amp; Co",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2008, 02, 20),
                                            Size = "large",
                                            Visible = false
                                            Id = 20,
                                            Price = 36.76,
                                            Company = "McDonald's Corporation",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2007, 06, 12),
                                            Size = "large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 21,
                                            Price = 27.96,
                                            Company = "Pfizer Inc",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2007, 12, 30),
                                            Size = "small",
                                            Visible = false
                                            Id = 22,
                                            Price = 45.07,
                                            Company = "The Coca-Cola Company",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2007, 01, 30),
                                            Size = "medium",
                                            Visible = false
                                            Id = 23,
                                            Price = 34.64,
                                            Company = "The Home Depot, Inc",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2006, 12, 31),
                                            Size = "small",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 24,
                                            Price = 61.91,
                                            Company = "The Procter &amp; Gamble Company",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2007, 04, 08),
                                            Size = "extra large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 25,
                                            Price = 63.26,
                                            Company = "United Technologies Corporation",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2006, 06, 04),
                                            Size = "medium",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 26,
                                            Price = 35.57,
                                            Company = "Verizon Communications",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2005, 07, 09),
                                            Size = "small",
                                            Visible = false
                                            Id = 27,
                                            Price = 45.45,
                                            Company = "Wal-Mart Stores, Inc",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2006, 09, 09),
                                            Size = "large",
                                            Visible = true
                    return goods;
            protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (!Ext.IsAjaxRequest)
                    this.Store1.DataSource = Data;
            protected void SaveSettings(object sender, AjaxEventArgs e)
                string strSettings = e.ExtraParams["settings"];
                XmlNode settings = JSON.DeserializeXmlNode(strSettings);
                XmlNodeList columns = settings.SelectNodes("settings/columns");
                if (columns != null)
                    foreach (XmlNode node in columns)
                        string dataIndex = node.SelectSingleNode("dataIndex").InnerText;
                        string width = node.SelectSingleNode("width").InnerText;
                        string hidden = node.SelectSingleNode("hidden").InnerText;
                XmlNode sortState = settings.SelectSingleNode("settings/sortState");
                if(sortState != null)
                    string field = sortState.SelectSingleNode("field").InnerText;
                    string direction = sortState.SelectSingleNode("direction").InnerText;
                XmlNode groupField = settings.SelectSingleNode("settings/groupField");
                if (groupField != null)
                    string field = groupField.InnerText;
                XmlNodeList filters = settings.SelectNodes("settings/filter");
                if(filters != null)
                    foreach (XmlNode filter in filters)
                        string field = filter.SelectSingleNode("field").InnerText;
                        XmlNodeList args = filter.SelectNodes("args");
                        //args can comtains:
                        // type
                        // comparison
                        // value
        <script type="text/javascript">
            function getSettings(grid){
                var settings = {
                    filter: []
                var cm = grid.getColumnModel();
                for(var i = 0, len = cm.config.length; i < len; i++){
                    settings.columns.push({dataIndex: cm.getDataIndex(i), width: cm.getColumnWidth(i), hidden: cm.isHidden(i) || false});              
                settings.sortState = grid.store.getSortState() || {field:"", direction:""};
                settings.groupField = grid.store.groupField || "";
                grid.getFilterPlugin().filters.each(function(f) {
                    if (f.active) {
                        settings.filter.push({ field: f.dataIndex, args: f.serialize() });
                return Ext.encode({settings:[settings]});
        <ext:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" StateProvider="None" />
        <ext:Store runat="server" ID="Store1" AutoLoad="true" RemoteSort="true" GroupField="Size">
                <ext:JsonReader ReaderID="Id">
                        <ext:RecordField Name="Id" Type="Int" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="Company" Type="String" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="Price" Type="Float" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="Date" Type="Date" DateFormat="Y-m-dTh:i:s" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="Size" Type="String" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="Visible" Type="Boolean" />
            <SortInfo Field="Company" Direction="ASC" />
        <ext:Window ID="Window1" runat="server" Width="700" Height="400" Closable="false"
            Collapsible="true" Title="Example" Maximizable="true">
                <ext:FitLayout ID="FitLayout1" runat="server">
                    <ext:GridPanel runat="server" ID="GridPanel1" Border="false" StoreID="Store1">
                        <ColumnModel ID="ColumnModel1" runat="server">
                                <ext:Column Header="Id" DataIndex="Id" Sortable="true" />
                                <ext:Column Header="Company" DataIndex="Company" Sortable="true" />
                                <ext:Column Header="Price" DataIndex="Price" Sortable="true">
                                    <Renderer Format="UsMoney" />
                                <ext:Column Header="Date" DataIndex="Date" Sortable="true" Align="Center">
                                    <Renderer Fn="Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('Y-m-d')" />
                                <ext:Column Header="Size" DataIndex="Size" Sortable="true" />
                                <ext:Column Header="Visible" DataIndex="Visible" Sortable="true" Align="Center">
                                    <Renderer Handler="return (value) ? 'Yes':'No';" />
                            <ext:GroupingView runat="server"></ext:GroupingView>
                        <LoadMask ShowMask="true" />
                            <ext:GridFilters runat="server" ID="GridFilters1" Local="true">
                                    <ext:NumericFilter DataIndex="Id" />
                                    <ext:StringFilter DataIndex="Company" />
                                    <ext:NumericFilter DataIndex="Price" />
                                    <ext:DateFilter DataIndex="Date">
                                        <DatePickerOptions runat="server" TodayText="Now" />
                                    <ext:ListFilter DataIndex="Size" Options="extra small,small,medium,large,extra large" />
                                    <ext:BooleanFilter DataIndex="Visible" />
                <ext:Button runat="server" Text="Save settings">
                        <Click OnEvent="SaveSettings">
                                <ext:Parameter Name="settings" Value="getSettings(#{GridPanel1})" Mode="Raw"></ext:Parameter>
  5. #5

    RE: [CLOSED] Store State

    WOW! This was amazing and you did a splendid job Valdsch.

    Thanks a lot

    Now I was able to store the structure and retrieve the structure and set the grid in the previous saved state...

    I think in the next release you can add this as a feature to the GridPlan, it would be a great feature...

    Thanks again.
  6. #6

    RE: [CLOSED] Store State

    Etisbew (7/9/2009) WOW! This was amazing and you did a splendid job Valdsch.

    Thanks a lot

    Now I was able to store the structure and retrieve the structure and set the grid in the previous saved state...

    I think in the next release you can add this as a feature to the GridPlan, it would be a great feature...

    Thanks again.
    Dear Etisbew,

    How did you manage tot set the grid in the previous saved state?
  7. #7

    RE: [CLOSED] Store State

    Hi CSG,
    Hope you were able to save settings, once you save the grid settings in the DB it would be saved in the following format

    To set the grid with the above setting I wrote a method which is called after the grid is binded with the store data.
    which sets all the coumns positins, widths, hidden modes, sort order etc.

    Acutully its a static method and we can use this for all the grids as we pass the grid and store to the method...

    public static void GetGridSettings(Store currentStore,GridPanel grdCurent)
    string sSql;
    sSql = "Select GridData from GridSettings Where GridId=123";
    DataSet dsGridStructure = Common.dbMgr.ExecuteDataSet(CommandType.Text, sSql);
    if (dsGridStructure.Tables[0] != null &amp;&amp; dsGridStructure.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
    string strSettings = dsGridStructure.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString();
    XmlNode settings = JSON.DeserializeXmlNode(strSettings);
    #region Column Settings
    //Column Settings
    XmlNodeList columns = settings.SelectNodes("settings/columns");
    if (columns != null)
    int columnCnt = 0;
    foreach (XmlNode node in columns)
    string dataIndex = node.SelectSingleNode("dataIndex").InnerText;
    string width = node.SelectSingleNode("width").InnerText;
    string hidden = node.SelectSingleNode("hidden").InnerText;
    if (hidden.ToLower() == "true")
    grdCurent.ColumnModel.Columns[columnCnt].Hidden = true;
    grdCurent.ColumnModel.Columns[columnCnt].Hidden = false;
    grdCurent.ColumnModel.Columns[columnCnt].Width = Convert.ToInt32(width);
    #region Sort Settings
    //Sort Settings
    XmlNode sortState = settings.SelectSingleNode("settings/sortState");
    if (sortState != null)
    string field = sortState.SelectSingleNode("field").InnerText;
    string direction = sortState.SelectSingleNode("direction").InnerText;
    currentStore.Sort(field, direction == "DESC" ? Coolite.Ext.Web.SortDirection.DESC : Coolite.Ext.Web.SortDirection.Default);
    #region Group Settings
    //Group Settings
    XmlNode groupField = settings.SelectSingleNode("settings/groupField");
    if (groupField != null)
    string field = groupField.InnerText;
    currentStore.GroupField = field;
    # region Filter Settings
    //Filter Settings
    //XmlNodeList filters = settings.SelectNodes("settings/filter");
    //if (filters != null)
    // foreach (XmlNode filter in filters)
    // {
    // string field = filter.SelectSingleNode("field").InnerText;
    // XmlNodeList args = filter.SelectNodes("args");
    // string FilterType = args[0].InnerText;
    // string FilterComparison = args[1].InnerText;
    // string FilterValue = args[2].InnerText;
    // //args can comtains:
    // // type
    // // comparison
    // // value
    // }
    grdCurent.StoreID = currentStore.ID;
    Hope this will be helpful :~)
    Happy programming....!
  8. #8

    Save Filter also

    I was in a need for the same, and this thread helped me much.
    I was needing also to save the Filters (which was missed out of this thread), and I did it and thought to share with you :)

    Below is the same code with support to Save Filters, with some slight modifications.

    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Import Namespace="System.Xml" %>
    <%@ Import Namespace="System.Collections.ObjectModel" %>
    <%@ Import Namespace="System.Collections.Generic" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <head id="Head1" runat="server">
    	<title>GridPanel with Local Filtering, Sorting and Paging - Coolite Toolkit Examples
    	<script runat="server">
    		public static List<object> Data
    				var goods = new List<object>
                                            Id = 1,
                                            Price = 71.72,
                                            Company = "3m Co",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 9, 1),
                                            Size = "large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 2,
                                            Price = 29.01,
                                            Company = "Aloca Inc",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 08, 01),
                                            Size = "medium",
                                            Visible = false
                                            Id = 3,
                                            Price = 83.81,
                                            Company = "Altria Group Inc",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 08, 03),
                                            Size = "large",
                                            Visible = false
                                            Id = 4,
                                            Price = 52.55,
                                            Company = "American Express Company",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 01, 04),
                                            Size = "extra large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 5,
                                            Price = 64.13,
                                            Company = "American International Group Inc.",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 03, 04),
                                            Size = "small",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 6,
                                            Price = 31.61,
                                            Company = "AT&amp;T Inc.",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 02, 01),
                                            Size = "extra large",
                                            Visible = false
                                            Id = 7,
                                            Price = 75.43,
                                            Company = "Boeing Co.",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 01, 01),
                                            Size = "large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 8,
                                            Price = 67.27,
                                            Company = "Caterpillar Inc.",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 12, 03),
                                            Size = "medium",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 9,
                                            Price = 49.37,
                                            Company = "Citigroup, Inc.",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 11, 24),
                                            Size = "large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 10,
                                            Price = 40.48,
                                            Company = "E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 05, 09),
                                            Size = "extra large",
                                            Visible = false
                                            Id = 11,
                                            Price = 68.1,
                                            Company = "Exxon Mobile Corp",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 12, 12),
                                            Size = "large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 12,
                                            Price = 34.14,
                                            Company = "General Electric Company",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 06, 16),
                                            Size = "extra large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 13,
                                            Price = 30.27,
                                            Company = "General Motors Corporation",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2006, 12, 07),
                                            Size = "medium",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 14,
                                            Price = 36.53,
                                            Company = "Hewlett-Packard Co.",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 05, 13),
                                            Size = "large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 15,
                                            Price = 38.77,
                                            Company = "Honweywell Intl Inc",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2006, 11, 07),
                                            Size = "medium",
                                            Visible = false
                                            Id = 16,
                                            Price = 19.88,
                                            Company = "Intel Corporation",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 01, 09),
                                            Size = "small",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 17,
                                            Price = 81.41,
                                            Company = "International Business Machines",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2005, 01, 21),
                                            Size = "extra large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 18,
                                            Price = 64.72,
                                            Company = "Johnson &amp; Johnson",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 01, 10),
                                            Size = "extra large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 19,
                                            Price = 45.73,
                                            Company = "JP Morgan &amp; Chase &amp; Co",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 02, 20),
                                            Size = "large",
                                            Visible = false
                                            Id = 20,
                                            Price = 36.76,
                                            Company = "McDonald's Corporation",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 06, 12),
                                            Size = "large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 21,
                                            Price = 27.96,
                                            Company = "Pfizer Inc",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 12, 30),
                                            Size = "small",
                                            Visible = false
                                            Id = 22,
                                            Price = 45.07,
                                            Company = "The Coca-Cola Company",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 01, 30),
                                            Size = "medium",
                                            Visible = false
                                            Id = 23,
                                            Price = 34.64,
                                            Company = "The Home Depot, Inc",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2006, 12, 31),
                                            Size = "small",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 24,
                                            Price = 61.91,
                                            Company = "The Procter &amp; Gamble Company",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2011, 04, 08),
                                            Size = "extra large",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 25,
                                            Price = 63.26,
                                            Company = "United Technologies Corporation",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2006, 06, 04),
                                            Size = "medium",
                                            Visible = true
                                            Id = 26,
                                            Price = 35.57,
                                            Company = "Verizon Communications",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2005, 07, 09),
                                            Size = "small",
                                            Visible = false
                                            Id = 27,
                                            Price = 45.45,
                                            Company = "Wal-Mart Stores, Inc",
                                            Date = new DateTime(2006, 09, 09),
                                            Size = "large",
                                            Visible = true
    				return goods;
    		private static string SESSION_KEY_GRID_SETTINGS = "GRID_SETTINGS";
    		protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    				this.Store1.DataSource = Data;
    				//TODO: Read from a more persistable storage
    				string strSettings = (string)HttpContext.Current.Session[SESSION_KEY_GRID_SETTINGS];
    				GetGridSettings(strSettings, this.Store1, this.GridPanel1, this.GridFilters1);
    		protected void SaveSettings(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
    			string strSettings = e.ExtraParams["settings"];
    			XmlNode settings = JSON.DeserializeXmlNode(strSettings);
    			XmlNodeList columns = settings.SelectNodes("settings/columns");
    			if(columns != null)
    				foreach(XmlNode node in columns)
    					string dataIndex = node.SelectSingleNode("dataIndex").InnerText;
    					string width = node.SelectSingleNode("width").InnerText;
    					string hidden = node.SelectSingleNode("hidden").InnerText;
    			XmlNode sortState = settings.SelectSingleNode("settings/sortState");
    			if(sortState != null)
    				string field = sortState.SelectSingleNode("field").InnerText;
    				string direction = sortState.SelectSingleNode("direction").InnerText;
    			XmlNode groupField = settings.SelectSingleNode("settings/groupField");
    			if(groupField != null)
    				string field = groupField.InnerText;
    			XmlNodeList filters = settings.SelectNodes("settings/filter");
    			if(filters != null)
    				foreach(XmlNode filter in filters)
    					string field = filter.SelectSingleNode("field").InnerText;
    					XmlNodeList args = filter.SelectNodes("args");
    					//args can comtains:
    					// type
    					// comparison
    					// value
    			//TODO: Save to a more persistable storage
    			HttpContext.Current.Session.Add(SESSION_KEY_GRID_SETTINGS, strSettings);
    		public static void GetGridSettings(string strSettings, Store currentStore, GridPanel grdCurent, GridFilters GridFilters)
    				XmlNode settings = JSON.DeserializeXmlNode(strSettings);
    				#region Column Settings
    				//Column Settings
    				XmlNodeList columns = settings.SelectNodes("settings/columns");
    				if(columns != null)
    					foreach(XmlNode node in columns)
    						string dataIndex = node.SelectSingleNode("dataIndex").InnerText;
    						string width = node.SelectSingleNode("width").InnerText;
    						string hidden = node.SelectSingleNode("hidden").InnerText;
    						for(int i = 0;i < grdCurent.ColumnModel.Columns.Count;i++)
    							Ext.Net.ColumnBase col = grdCurent.ColumnModel.Columns[i];
    								col.Hidden = (hidden.ToLower() == "true");
    								col.Width = Convert.ToInt32(width);
    				#region Sort Settings
    				//Sort Settings
    				XmlNode sortState = settings.SelectSingleNode("settings/sortState");
    				if(sortState != null)
    					string field = sortState.SelectSingleNode("field").InnerText;
    					string direction = sortState.SelectSingleNode("direction").InnerText;
    					currentStore.Sort(field, direction == "DESC" ? Ext.Net.SortDirection.DESC : Ext.Net.SortDirection.Default);
    				#region Group Settings
    				//Group Settings
    				XmlNode groupField = settings.SelectSingleNode("settings/groupField");
    				if(groupField != null)
    					string field = groupField.InnerText;
    					currentStore.GroupField = field;
    				# region Filter Settings
    				//Filter Settings
    				XmlNodeList filters = settings.SelectNodes("settings/filter");
    				if(filters != null)
    					foreach(XmlNode filter in filters)
    						string field = filter.SelectSingleNode("field").InnerText;
    						XmlNodeList argsList = filter.SelectNodes("args");
    						if(0 < argsList.Count)
    							//args can comtains:
    							// type
    							// comparison
    							// value
    							//XmlNode nodTemp;
    							XmlNode args = argsList[0];
    							XmlNode nodType = args.SelectSingleNode("type");
    							string FilterType = (null == nodType) ? null : nodType.InnerText;
    							XmlNode nodComparison = args.SelectSingleNode("comparison");
    							string FilterComparison = (null == nodComparison) ? null : nodComparison.InnerText;
    							XmlNodeList nodValues = args.SelectNodes("value");
    							//string FilterValue = (null == nodValue) ? null : nodValue.InnerText;
    							if(null != nodValues && 0 != nodValues.Count)
    								for(int i = 0;i < GridFilters.Filters.Count;i++)
    									GridFilter gf = GridFilters.Filters[i];
    										gf.Active = true;
    											case Ext.Net.FilterType.String:
    													Ext.Net.StringFilter gf2 = gf as Ext.Net.StringFilter;
    													gf2.Value = nodValues[0].InnerText;
    											case Ext.Net.FilterType.Date:
    													Ext.Net.DateFilter gf2 = gf as Ext.Net.DateFilter;
    													for(int j = 0;j < argsList.Count;j++)
    														args = argsList[j];
    														FilterComparison = args.SelectSingleNode("comparison").InnerText;
    														Ext.Net.Comparison comparison = (Ext.Net.Comparison)Enum.Parse(typeof(Ext.Net.Comparison), FilterComparison, true);
    														DateTime v;
    														if(DateTime.TryParse(args.SelectSingleNode("value").InnerText, out v))
    																case Comparison.Lt: gf2.BeforeValue = v; break;
    																case Comparison.Gt: gf2.AfterValue = v; break;
    																case Comparison.Eq: gf2.OnValue = v; break;
    											case Ext.Net.FilterType.List:
    													Ext.Net.ListFilter gf2 = gf as Ext.Net.ListFilter;
    													gf2.Value = new string[nodValues.Count];
    													for(int j = 0;j < nodValues.Count;j++)
    														gf2.Value[j] = nodValues[j].InnerText;
    											case Ext.Net.FilterType.Boolean:
    													Ext.Net.BooleanFilter gf2 = gf as Ext.Net.BooleanFilter;
    													gf2.Value = (nodValues[0].InnerText.ToLower() == "true");
    											case Ext.Net.FilterType.Numeric:
    													Ext.Net.NumericFilter gf2 = gf as Ext.Net.NumericFilter;
    													for(int j = 0;j < argsList.Count;j++)
    														args = argsList[j];
    														FilterComparison = args.SelectSingleNode("comparison").InnerText;
    														Ext.Net.Comparison comparison = (Ext.Net.Comparison)Enum.Parse(typeof(Ext.Net.Comparison), FilterComparison, true);
    														float v;
    														if(float.TryParse(args.SelectSingleNode("value").InnerText, out v))
    																case Comparison.Lt: gf2.LessThanValue = v; break;
    																case Comparison.Gt: gf2.GreaterThanValue = v; break;
    																case Comparison.Eq: gf2.EqualValue = v; break;
    				grdCurent.StoreID = currentStore.ID;
    	<script type="text/javascript">
    		function getSettings(grid) {
    			var settings = {
    				sortState: {},
    				columns: [],
    				groupField: "",
    				filter: []
    			var cm = grid.getColumnModel();
    			for (var i = 0, len = cm.config.length; i < len; i++) {
    				settings.columns.push({ dataIndex: cm.getDataIndex(i), width: cm.getColumnWidth(i), hidden: cm.isHidden(i) || false });
    			settings.sortState = grid.store.getSortState() || { field: "", direction: "" };
    			settings.groupField = grid.store.groupField || "";
    			grid.getFilterPlugin().filters.each(function(f) {
    				if (f.active) {
    					settings.filter.push({ field: f.dataIndex, args: f.serialize() });
    			return Ext.encode({ settings: [settings] });
    	<ext:ResourceManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" StateProvider="None" />
    	<ext:Store runat="server" ID="Store1" AutoLoad="true" RemoteSort="true" GroupField="Size">
    					<ext:RecordField Name="Id" Type="Int" />
    					<ext:RecordField Name="Company" Type="String" />
    					<ext:RecordField Name="Price" Type="Float" />
    					<ext:RecordField Name="Date" Type="Date" DateFormat="Y-m-dTh:i:s" />
    					<ext:RecordField Name="Size" Type="String" />
    					<ext:RecordField Name="Visible" Type="Boolean" />
    		<SortInfo Field="Company" Direction="ASC" />
    	<ext:Window ID="Window1" runat="server" Width="700" Height="400" Closable="false"
    		Collapsible="true" Title="Example" Maximizable="true" Layout="FitLayout">
    			<ext:GridPanel ID="GridPanel1" StoreID="Store1" runat="server" Region="Center" Layout="vbox"
    				StripeRows="true" Border="true" TrackMouseOver="true" AutoExpandMax="300" AutoExpandMin="100"
    					<ext:VBoxLayoutConfig Align="Stretch" />
    				<ColumnModel ID="ColumnModel1" runat="server">
    						<ext:Column Header="Id" DataIndex="Id" Sortable="true" />
    						<ext:Column Header="Company" DataIndex="Company" Sortable="true" />
    						<ext:Column Header="Price" DataIndex="Price" Sortable="true">
    							<Renderer Format="UsMoney" />
    						<ext:Column Header="Date" DataIndex="Date" Sortable="true" Align="Center">
    							<Renderer Fn="Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('Y-m-d')" />
    						<ext:Column Header="Size" DataIndex="Size" Sortable="true" />
    						<ext:Column Header="Visible" DataIndex="Visible" Sortable="true" Align="Center">
    							<Renderer Handler="return (value) ? 'Yes':'No';" />
    					<ext:GroupingView runat="server">
    				<LoadMask ShowMask="true" />
    					<ext:GridFilters runat="server" ID="GridFilters1" Local="true">
    							<ext:NumericFilter DataIndex="Id" />
    							<ext:StringFilter DataIndex="Company" />
    							<ext:NumericFilter DataIndex="Price" />
    							<ext:DateFilter DataIndex="Date">
    								<DatePickerOptions runat="server" TodayText="Now" />
    							<ext:ListFilter DataIndex="Size" Options="extra small,small,medium,large,extra large" />
    							<ext:BooleanFilter DataIndex="Visible" />
    			<ext:Button runat="server" Text="Save settings">
    					<Click OnEvent="SaveSettings">
    							<ext:Parameter Name="settings" Value="getSettings(#{GridPanel1})" Mode="Raw">
    			<ext:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Reload">
    					<Click Handler="window.location.reload();" />
  9. #9
    Thanks for sharing!

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