
I have a ComboBox control declared in this way:

<ext:ComboBox runat="server" ID="Type" Width="140" TypeAhead="true" Mode="Local">
        <ext:ListItem Text="Text1" Value="0" />
        <ext:ListItem Text="Text2" Value="1" />
        <ext:ListItem Text="Text3" Value="2" />
This ComboBox allows write text and try to avoid "DEL" key in order to prevent going back.In this way all works Ok.

The problem is when I disabled the ComboBox and it becomes a Field control. In this case, it is possible to press "DEL" key and go back.

I tried to set EnableKeyEvents="true" property as in my TextAreas control, but it doesn't works.

Could this be done in any way?

Thanks in advance,
