Hi there,

I need help from you guys on following. I got a GridPanel using RowEditor that has Date column/s in it. My application has to comply with localization. In the Date column, I have to display date as a formatted localized value (string) and while editing, I want to use the regular date control (no matter if I have to use English as contol's local) we have in Ext.Net.

I already been trying on this. So far Im able to display the formatted localized Date String (DataIndex="DateOfJoining" in given snippet) but Im stucked on how to display the formatted date after edit. My sample snippet on DateColumn is given below. Any help or example will be truly appreciated.

                                    <ext:Column DataIndex="DateOfJoining" Header="DOJ" Width="80" editable="true">
                                            <ext:DateField runat="server" Format="dd-MM-yyyy">
                                                    <Blur OnEvent="Date_Changed"/>