
  1. #1


    <ext:FileUploadField ID="uplUploader" IDMode="Static" runat="server"  FieldLabel="File" Icon="BulletPlus" ButtonText="Choose a file" />
    <ext:TextField ID="txtDescription" runat="server" FieldLabel="Description" IDMode="Static" />
    <!-- -some code   ------>
    <ext:Button ID="btnUpload" runat="server" Text="Загрузить">
              <Click OnEvent="UploadFile" After="txtDescription.clear(); uplUploader.clear();"></Click>
    I can't set IDMode="Static" for each ext net control, because it thows an eror if a page contains controls with the same id.
    The code bellow doesn't work.

    <ext:FileUploadField ID="uplUploader" runat="server"  FieldLabel="File" Icon="BulletPlus" ButtonText="Choose a file" />
    <ext:TextField ID="txtDescription" runat="server" FieldLabel="Description" />
    <!-- -some code   ------>
    <ext:Button ID="btnUpload" runat="server" Text="Загрузить">
              <Click OnEvent="UploadFile" After="<%=txtDescription.ClientID%>.clear(); <%=uplUploader.ClientID%>.clear();"></Click>
    How can I avoid using IDMode="Static" ?
  2. #2
    Does this problem have a solution?
  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexMaslakov View Post
    I can't set IDMode="Static" for each ext net control, because it thows an eror if a page contains controls with the same id.
    The code bellow doesn't work.
    Correct. If IDMode="Static", than all Controls on the Page must have a unique ID. This must be managed by the developer.

    If two Controls have the same ID on the same Page, an Exception will be thrown.

    This is the desired functionality.
    Geoffrey McGill
  4. #4
    If it's so, what's futher up? Does my problem have a solution?
  5. #5
    Unfortunately, you did not describe your problem
    Please provide more details
  6. #6
    Why does the code bellow doesn't work?

    The result html contains <%=txtDescription.ClientID%> and <%=uplUploader.ClientID%>, but not something like ctl00$ctl00$BaseMainContent$MainContent$txtDescrip tion

    <ext:FileUploadField ID="uplUploader" runat="server"  FieldLabel="File" Icon="BulletPlus" ButtonText="Choose a file" /> 
    <ext:TextField ID="txtDescription" runat="server" FieldLabel="Description" /> 
    <!-- -some code   ------>
    <ext:Button ID="btnUpload" runat="server" Text="Загрузить"> 
              <Click OnEvent="UploadFile" After="<%=txtDescription.ClientID%>.clear(); <%=uplUploader.ClientID%>.clear();"></Click> 
  7. #7
    ASP.NET doesn't allow to mix <%%> blocks with text within one property
  8. #8
    What should I do?
  9. #9
    Set property in the code-behind
  10. #10
    Also you can use Ext.Net syntax
    After="#{txtDescription}.clear(); #{uplUploader}.clear();"

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