
I use the CalendarPanel. If i click on the event, i want to show the eventid or the title or ... from this event in the window.
(in codebehind)
Can you help me please ? Sorry for my english ;-)

Imports Ext.Net

Public Class test
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

        Dim nColEvents As New Ext.Net.EventCollection

        Dim nEvent As New Ext.Net.Event
        With nEvent
            .EventId = 1
            .CalendarId = 1
            .StartDate = New Date(2011, 8, 5)
            .EndDate = New Date(2011, 8, 5)
            .Location = "Location_1"
            .Notes = "Notes_1"
            .Title = "Title_1"
            .Url = "Url_1"
        End With



        Dim nEvStore As New EventStore
        With nEvStore
            .ID = "estore1"
        End With


        Dim nCal As New CalendarPanel

        AddHandler nCal.DirectEvents.EventClick.Event, AddressOf test_click

        With (nCal)

            .ID = "cal1"

        End With

        Dim nFitLayout As New FitLayout
        nFitLayout.ID = "fitlayout"


        Dim nViewport As New Viewport

        With nViewport
            .ID = "Viewport"
        End With

        Dim nRM As New ResourceManager
        With nRM
            .Theme = Ext.Net.Theme.Slate
        End With


        If Not Ext.Net.ExtNet.IsAjaxRequest Then
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub test_click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DirectEventArgs)

        Dim nW As New Ext.Net.Window
        With nW

            nW.ID = "window"
            nW.Html = ??????

        End With

    End Sub
End Class