[CLOSED] CompositeControl encapsule GridPanel

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] CompositeControl encapsule GridPanel

    It was built like a control that encapsulates a CompositeControl GridPanel using the same property Flex 1. In aspx page this control is inside a Content tag. The problem is that the property Flex equal to one size does not fit correctly and thus does not show the GridPanel (<Sispro:SUtGrid...> )

                                                <ext:TabPanel ID="tabPanel" runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="0" Cls="CssExtFormsTab"
                                                    EnableTabScroll="true" Flex="1" HideMode="Offsets">
                                                        <ext:Panel ID="tabTelefones" runat="server" Title="Telefones" Layout="VBoxLayout"
                                                            TabTip="Lista de Telefones" Cls="CssExtPainelPages" AutoScroll="true">
                                                                <ext:VBoxLayoutConfig Align="Stretch" />
                                                                <ext:Panel ID="pnlgridDetails" runat="server"  Flex="1" Border="false">
                                                                        <Sispro:SUtGrid ID="grdDetailsTelefones" runat="server" AutoExpandColumn="AN_NUMERO"
                                                                            AnchorHorizontal="-30" GridOperation="Details" OnRefreshData="Store_RefreshDetailsTelefones"
                                                                            OnToolbarClick="SUtToolbarDetailsTelefone_ButtonClicked" OnClearFindLinkButtonClick="lnkClearFindFilterGrdDetailsTelefones_Click"
                                                                            OnUpdateFindLinkButtonClick="lnkAlterFindFilterGrdDetailsTelefones_Click" PanelDetailsID="pnlContainer"
                                                                                <Sispro:Column ColumnId="TP_NUMERO" Header="Tipo" Type="Text" />
                                                                                <Sispro:Column ColumnId="AN_DDD" Header="DDD" Type="Text" />
                                                                                <Sispro:Column ColumnId="AN_NUMERO" Header="NĂºmero" Type="Text" />
                                                                                <Sispro:Column ColumnId="AN_RAMAL" Header="Ramal" Type="Text" />
    Last edited by Daniil; Aug 02, 2011 at 1:51 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    I guess you need to set Layout="FitLayout" for the "pnlgridDetails" panel and use <Items> instead of <Content>.

    <Sispro:SUtGrid> is a custom control, right?
  3. #3
    yes, it is a custom control but I can not use <items>. With <items> custom control does not work I have to use a mandatory <content>
  4. #4
    remembering that the <Sispro:SUtGrid> is not an inheritance of a Ext.Net.GridPanel. He inherits a CompositeControl that encapsulates a Ext.Net.GridPanel for this reason it must be inside a tag <Content>. The property operates in a Flex control of this type (CompositeControl)? How could I solve the problem?
  5. #5
    See the code below. Shows how the control is created (note the inheritance and encapsulation GridPanel)
     public class SUtGrid : CompositeControl
            internal Ext.Net.GridPanel GridPanel = null;
  6. #6
    Unfortunately, it's impossible to apply Ext.Net layout logic in this case with <Content>.

    You need to layout it manually.
  7. #7
    Why don't you inherit from GridPanel?
    CompositeControl cannot participate in layout logic
  8. #8
    because I add other logic to make it easier for the programmer
  9. #9
    Don't you able to add that logic when you inherit from GridPanel directly?

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