
I create a custom date-string format and parsing function on client using javascript as following

 var taiwanDateParse = function (date, strict) {
        var datePart = dateText.split("/");
        return new Date(parseInt(datePart[0]) + 1911, parseInt(datePart[1]), parseInt(datePart[2]));  

   var taiwanDateFormat = function (date) {

        if (Ext.isEmpty(this) == false) {
            var year = this.getFullYear() - 1911;
            var month = this.getMonth() + 1;
            var day = this.getDate();

            return year + "/" + month + "/" + day;
        else {
            return false;

    Date.parseFunctions['taiwan'] = taiwanDateParse;

    Date.formatFunctions['taiwan'] = taiwanDateFormat;
Does it possible to customize the date-string parsing function on server-side ?

I try to extend Datefield and override the property "Value", but it doesn't work.

Any advice ?