0.5.2 is breaking my window opening links.

I reverted to 0.5.1 and they work fine.

I'm using the below code to show my windows. Let me know if you want the code for the whole page.

<Ext:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" Theme="Gray" Hide="true">
<DocumentReady Handler="Ext.get('lnkHome').on('click', function() { winHome.show(); });
    Ext.get('lnkInd').on('click', function() { winInd.show(); });
    Ext.get('lnkOrg').on('click', function() { winOrg.show(); });
    Ext.get('lnkBev').on('click', function() { winInv.show(); });
    Ext.get('lnkAll').on('click', function() { winEvt.show(); });
   Ext.get('lnkPS').on('click', function() { winPay.show(); }); " />