Can I display video in an Ext.Net page?

  1. #1

    Can I display video in an Ext.Net page?


    I've been searching through the documentation for about an hour now looking for the proper way to display video in an page. I was wondering if someone could give me a nudge in the right direction as I don't seem to be getting very far.

    Currently I've got an ext:Image which works fine for previewing an image in a little pop up window. I was wondering if there's a way to do this with video as well. I'm limited to IE7 unfortunately so HTML5 is out.

    Apologies if this is a stupid question, I'm fairly new to developing web stuff and I've been kind of thrown in at the deep end.

    Many thanks
  2. #2
    As a possible solution I could use the dynsrc attribute instead of the src attribute in the img tag. Is there a way to make the ext:image use dynsrc instead of the src attribute. In code I'm doing the following.

    this.imagePreview.ImageUrl = Path.Combine("~/media", _filePath);
    I got the following html output when checking through with firebug
    <img   id="ctl00_placeHolderWizardBody_imagePreview" 
              style="border: medium none; 
              width: 475px;">
  3. #3
    Last thing I'll post about this problem, promise!

    In this example using standard html tags the image works but the video does not display

                <img src="test.jpg">
                <img dynsrc="test.avi">
    If I put the exact same img tags into an html file both the image and video are both displayed

                <img src="test.jpg">
                <img dynsrc="test.avi">
    Does disable videos from working or is there some property I need to set to let them work?

    Thanks again for any help
  4. #4

    Image cannot display a video, use Flash

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