[CLOSED] Layout in ext.net drives me mad - "Stretch" a TabPanel/Panel and its contents fails if within a UserControl?

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  1. #11
    So thats not really the end of the story.

    I have two GridPanels below, none of them expands or stretches as I want them. I dont know how to make it happen either.

    Is it doable? To hve 2 FitLayouts wrapping each of the GridPanels doesnt work, some error saying "only one layout control" at a time.

    I am at a loss when it comes to design in ext.net as you notice =)

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  2. #12
    Sure, one container can have only one layout manager.

    You can choose any other appropriate layout. I guess VBoxLayout or RowLayout would be appropriate ones.
  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by wagger View Post
    I have many other places where the TopBar resizes and stretches to the full width of its container (even though its a bit buggy). I have emailed you a link to a video to show that behaviour (for your eyes only). In this video you can see a few different ToolBars (TopBar, BottomBar). Some of them resizes, some dont, and all of them are a bit buggy. I hope the video will show the problem.
    Hi Ted,

    I've just watched the video. I agree it's really informative, but, as far as I can understand, it's not actual already since you use FitLayout instead of ContainerLayout, isn't that so?
  4. #14
    Well, it is actual still I'd say, since I havent figured out how to do "stuff" i want.

    take a look my previous post (http://forums.ext.net/showthread.php...ll=1#post56964).

    Thats is sort of the same issue. I have been playing around with FitLayout, MonitorResize, AutoWidth etc etc but it just doesnt get me where I want to.

    I will VBoxLayout and RowLayout today, see if that will help me.
  5. #15
    In according to the post you mentioned I can provide you with the following example:

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    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
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        <ext:Viewport runat="server" Layout="VBoxLayout">
                <ext:VBoxLayoutConfig Align="Stretch" />
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                                <ext:DisplayField runat="server" Text="Hello!" />
                                <ext:Button runat="server" Text="Button" StandOut="true" />
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                            <ext:Column Header="Test3" DataIndex="test3" />
                        <ext:GridView runat="server" ForceFit="true" />
  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by wagger View Post
    So thats not really the end of the story.

    I have two GridPanels below, none of them expands or stretches as I want them. I dont know how to make it happen either.

    Is it doable? To hve 2 FitLayouts wrapping each of the GridPanels doesnt work, some error saying "only one layout control" at a time.

    I am at a loss when it comes to design in ext.net as you notice =)
    I'm not entirely sure if this has been solved by @daniil's recommendation to use VBoxLayout, but... you cannot just keep posting that "none of them expands or stretches as I want them" and then provide no description of your desired layout.

    I re-read this thread again and unless I'm missing something (probable), I still don't understand your requirements.

    Maybe you could post a simple line drawing showing how you would like the panels to fill/stretch?
    Geoffrey McGill
  7. #17
    Hi Geoffrey,

    I havent had time to look at Daniils suggestion until now. I have however sent Daniil a video, a screencast, showing the problem that I encountered in this case. And actually, I encounter that often when I use gridControls and to be honest - in almost all of my layouts.

    I will spend the rest of this day doing some examples of how I want something to behave and then try to show how difficult it is (for me) to get it right in ext.net.

    Thanks again =)
  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by wagger View Post
    I will spend the rest of this day doing some examples of how I want something to behave and then try to show how difficult it is (for me) to get it right in ext.net.
    Spending time running tests with the layouts is going to help familiarize yourself with Ext.NET, but I'm don't think this whole process needs to be this difficult. If you have an idea about the layout you would like, sketch it out on a piece of paper, take a picture of it and post it here.

    Another "sketch" tool that might be helpful is http://balsamiq.com/.

    If you just let us know what approximately you would like to see happen, I'm sure we can help quickly put a sample together.
    Geoffrey McGill
  9. #19
    Actually, I have posted several code samples aswell as sending Daniils a screencast of the problems. The code samples posted earlier in this thread is actually a simplified version of the screencast I sent him.

    But this thread is not primarily so solve the layout problem that I have right now, or in a particular instance, but to understand what Controls to use, when, why and where.

    Even though I ahve posted several layout issues here before, I never seem to be able to use the right "approach". Instead, for almost every thing I have that is sort of new, I have to come here and ask you guys. And thats a bit irritating, for me and I guess for you too.

    Therefore I am trying to ask questions, both practical with hands-on examples, but also question so that I understand why a certain approach is not working and what does. Etc...
  10. #20
    Also, if you look at my first post I have a picture which clearly indicates the problem I was addressing with a runnable example...

    However, if you want you can close this thread and I'll start a new thread with specific examples as they come up.

    Even though Daniils latest example is one step in the right direction, I am now investigating if it indeed will solve the whole layout issue.
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