[CLOSED] FileUploadField in a ToolBar

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] FileUploadField in a ToolBar


    I'm having a bit of trouble getting a FileUploadField to work inside an ext:ToolBar.

      <ext:FileUploadField ID="statementFile" runat="server" EmptyText="Select a scanned statement file"
                                    Width="300" CtCls="button-fix" IsFormField="true">
                                        <FileSelected Handler="var b=#{btnUploadStatement};b.enable();" />
    But when I post back to the controller, the Request.Files array is empty:

            public ActionResult Upload() {
                HttpPostedFileBase postedFile = Request.Files[0];
    I read in the post here that you need to wrap it in a form to make it work; but in this post, here it indicates it is possible in a toolbar just as I have tried.

    Which is correct? Is their something else I should do to properly have it submit?

    Last edited by Daniil; May 17, 2011 at 2:02 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2

    I guess Vladimir forgot to add <form> in that example, because there was problem in css.

    So, <form> is definitely required.
  3. #3
    Thanks. This almost works; it will now try and download the file, however, (in IE8; our target platform) when I click on the button that submits the form it does upload.. but then tries to download the file itself again.

    My upload button:

     <ext:Button ID="btnUploadStatement" runat="server" Disabled="true" Icon="Attach"
                                    Text="Upload Statement" ToolTip="Uploads the chosen file to the server for processing.">
                                        <Click IsUpload="true" Method="POST" Url="/Commission/Upload/" Failure="SaveAndInvest.alertBox('Error', result.errorMessage)" />
                                            <EventMask ShowMask="true" Msg="Uploading file.." />
    The part of code causing this seems to be:

     public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
                if (this.IsUpload)
                    context.HttpContext.Response.Write("<textarea>{0}</textarea>".FormatWith(new ClientConfig().Serialize(this)));
    Any ideas why it tries to download after uploading?
  4. #4
    The answer is in the thread you mentioned.

    Set up .IsUpload = true for AjaxResult.

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