Loading a UserControl (ascx) to a page

  1. #1

    Loading a UserControl (ascx) to a page


    I'm trying to load a UserControl dynamically into the <Center> in a viewport control and I'm having a rough time accomplishing this.
    I have a <asp:PlaceHolder> object and trying to populate the UserControl into this control and I'm getting the following error;

    Parent for Layout Control (BorderLayout1) must be a Coolite Container Control, such as Panel, TabPanel, Window, ViewPort, etc.

    Is there a better way to get around this ?
    If I put the UserControl reference in between the <Body> tags instead of the PlaceHolder, everything works well. But I really want to dynamically load different User Controls.

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         if (!IsPostBack)
              EmployeesList cu = (EmployeesList)Page.LoadControl("EmployeesList.ascx");
    Main Page HTML
    <Center MarginsSummary="2 2 2 2">
        <ext:Panel ID="Panel2" 
     Title="Search Result for: "
          <asp:PlaceHolder ID="plhControl1" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>
    The UserControl HTML
    <ext:BorderLayout ID="BorderLayout1" runat="server">
            <ext:Panel ID="Panel2" runat="server" Title="" Header="false">
                    <ext:FitLayout ID="FitLayout1" runat="server">
                        <ext:GridPanel ID="GridPanel1" runat="server" StoreID="storeUserList" Frame="true">
                            <columnmodel id="ColumnModel2" runat="server">
                <ext:RowNumbererColumn />
                <ext:Column ColumnID="systemUserID" Header="User Id" DataIndex="SYSTEMUSERID" Width="120"
                    Hidden="true" />
                <ext:Column ColumnID="PersonID" Header="User Id" DataIndex="PERSONID" Width="120"
                    Hidden="true" />
                <ext:Column Header="User Id" DataIndex="USERID" Width="120"  />
                <ext:Column Header="Last Name" DataIndex="LASTNAME" Width="120"  />
                <ext:Column Header="First Name" DataIndex="FIRSTNAME" Width="120"  />
                <ext:Column Header="Middle Name" DataIndex="MIDDLENAME" Width="120"  />
                <ext:Column Header="Title" DataIndex="TITLE" Width="120"  />
                <ext:Column ColumnID="Details" 
                        <Renderer Fn="employeeDetailsRender" /> 
            <ext:GridFilters runat="server" ID="GridFilters1" Local="true">
                    <ext:StringFilter DataIndex="LASTNAME" />                                    
                    <ext:StringFilter DataIndex="FIRSTNAME" />
                    <ext:StringFilter DataIndex="TITLE" />
            <ext:RowSelectionModel runat="server" SingleSelect="true">
                <ext:PagingToolBar ID="PagingToolBar2" runat="server" PageSize="18"/>
                            <loadmask showmask="true" />
    <ext:Store ID="storeUserList" runat="server" OnRefreshData="Refresh_Employee">
                    <ext:RecordField Name="SYSTEMUSERID" />
                    <ext:RecordField Name="PERSONID" />
                    <ext:RecordField Name="USERID" />
                    <ext:RecordField Name="LASTNAME" />
                    <ext:RecordField Name="FIRSTNAME" />
                    <ext:RecordField Name="MIDDLENAME" />
                    <ext:RecordField Name="TITLE" />
                    <ext:RecordField Name="DETAILS" />
    Thank you in advance,
  2. #2

    RE: Loading a UserControl (ascx) to a page


    try to add user control to the BodyControls of Center panel instead PlaceHolder

  3. #3

    RE: Loading a UserControl (ascx) to a page

    Hi Ernesto,*

    As mentioned by Vladimir, remove the PlaceHolder Control, then use the following code to add to the BodyControls collection.



    Hope this helps.

    Geoffrey McGill
  4. #4

    RE: Loading a UserControl (ascx) to a page


    Works like a charm!

    Thank you very much for your help.
  5. #5

    RE: Loading a UserControl (ascx) to a page

    One more question...
    This UserControl is being loaded in a page which is inhereted from a masterpage, the master page contains a contentplaceholder and the child page has a borderlayout that is placed inside the contentplaceholder control. Now when I click the refresh button from the control G ridpanel to execute a refresh from the Store control I get the following error;

    The control with ID 'ctl00_cplCenter_ctl19_storeUserList' not found

    The Stack Trace shows the following;
    Coolite.Ext.Web.ScriptManager.RaisePostBackEvent(S tring eventArgument)

    as if the ScriptManager does not know that a dynamically created Store or Coolite object exisit on a postback.

     <Center MarginsSummary = "40 0 0 0">
          <ext:Panel ID="Panel5" runat="server" Title="Center" Header="False">
                <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="cplCenter" runat="server">
    Child Page
    <ext:BorderLayout ID="BorderLayout1" runat="server">
           <Center MarginsSummary="2 2 2 2">
          <ext:Panel ID="Panel2" 
       Title="Search Result for: "
        <%-- User Control loaded here... --%>
    Codebehind refresh Store in UserControl
    // Store HTML
    <ext:Store ID="storeUserList" runat="server" OnRefreshData="Refresh_Employee">
    protected void Refresh_Employee(object sender, StoreRefreshDataEventArgs e)

    Any ideas?

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