You may recognize this from the examples:
                    Failure="Ext.MessageBox.alert('Load failed', 'Error during ajax event!');">
                    <EventMask ShowMask="true" Target="CustomTarget" CustomTarget="={#{GridPanel1}.body}" />
                        <ext:Parameter Name="id" Value="params[0].getStore().getAt(params[1]).id" Mode="Raw" />
I would like to alter this so that only one cell click triggers an event, so i've added this to the column:

c1.Renderer.Fn = "function detailRender() {return \"<img onclick='{customTarget:GridPanel1.el});getSelectedRowID(#{GridPanel1})' style='cursor:pointer;' src='vcard_edit.png' />\";}";
Unfortunately, the ext:Window i'm showing in the DirectMethod called by getSelectedRowID() shows up behind the mask!

Any help would be appreciated