Apr 25, 2011, 6:56 PM
[CLOSED] JavaScript error in IE after loading MultiSelect from Popup
When I populate data in my multiselect from an ext.window I get a JavaScript error:
Can't execute code from a freed script
When I view the line that the error is called on, I see it's this in this javascript:
Can't execute code from a freed script
When I view the line that the error is called on, I see it's this in this javascript:
getValue : function (valueField) {
if (!this.rendered) {
return this.value || "";
var returnArray = [],
selectionsArray = this.view.getSelectedIndexes();
if (selectionsArray.length === 0) {
return '';
for (var i = 0; i < selectionsArray.length; i++) {
**this line*** ------> returnArray.push(this.store.getAt(selectionsArray[i]).get(((valueField != null) ? valueField : this.valueField)));
return returnArray.join(this.delimiter);
The ext.window populates my multiselect located on the calling page like so:function selectRows() {
var rows = #{gridSelectedRows}.getRowsValues({selectedOnly:false});
var ID;
var Name;
for (var i=0; i<rows.length; i++) {
userID = rows[i].ID;
dispName = rows[i].Name;
var ctl = parent.panel.getBody().controlid;
if (!ctl) { ctl = parent.masterTab.activeTab.getBody().ContentPH_panel.getBody().controlid; }
ctl.store.add(new Ext.data.Record({text: Name, value: ID }));
The error occurs after the multiselect is loaded and I click on one of the rows. This only happens in IE, never in Firefox.
Last edited by Daniil; Apr 26, 2011 at 2:11 PM.
Reason: [CLOSED]