I have two combos (County and City) and have set for the cboCity to be loaded with ajax, after user pics a county. This works fine, but what I need now is when that same page detects an id in url, I need to set this form in edit mode by filling it with the details from db.
The problem comes when I want to load cities combo from the server, no matter what I do, the list is empty.
I tried a few things, rebinding the data store with the exact code CitiesRefresh handler contains
protected void CitiesRefresh(object sender, StoreRefreshDataEventArgs e)
            List<object> data = new List<object>();

            var cities = _citiesBLL.Get(int.Parse(cboCounty.SelectedItem.Value));

            foreach (var c in cities)
                data.Add(new { Id = c.Id, Name = c.Name });
            this.CitiesStore.DataSource = data;

even tried to get a list of cities and manually add items, but no effect.

Any help would be very much appreciated.
