help with databinding (ext:GridPanel)

  1. #1

    help with databinding (ext:GridPanel)

    <ext:ResourceManager runat="server">
                            <ext:GridPanel ID="extGrid1" runat="server" Collapsible="true" Width="600" Height="350" Title="Member Search" Frame="true"  >
                                <ext:Store ID="Store1" runat="server" GroupField="BEmployeeID" >
                                <ColumnModel runat="server">
                                        <ext:Column Header="Name" DataIndex="BLastName" Sortable="false" Width="90" />
                                        <ext:Column Header="Group ID" DataIndex="BGroupID" Sortable="false" Width="90" />
                                        <ext:Column Header="Plan" DataIndex="BEmployeeID" Sortable="false" Width="90" />
    var mbrColl = MbrList.GetMbrList(param1, param2).ToList(); // this is a business class
    Store1.DataSource = mbrColl;
    the page opens fine. but the grid is empty. am not sure where the mistake is.. but the same works fine in YuiGrid. I know they both are different frameworks. but just wanted to tell how i got to website. basically i started first with the YuiGrid and got an issue and finally ended in Sencha website--> website in google. The data binding seems to be very easy in YuiGrid. But its a bit complex in ext:GridPanel. just wanted to know the difference between these two..ext:GridPanel has a lot of functionality when compared to the YuiGrid. I really appreciate if some one explains if am going in the right direction

    the same works fine with the below code.. if am using the code project open source extExtender grid control
    <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
                            <cc1:YuiGrid ID="YuiGrid1" AutoGenerateColumns="false" EnableRowSorting="true" EnablePaging="false"
                                EnableEdit="true" PagingStyle="NavBar" title="Movies" runat="server" Width="600"
                                AutoHeight="true" GroupingField="BEmployeeID" Visible="false">
                                    <cc1:ColModel header="Subscriber ID" dataIndex="BSubscriberID" sortable="true" width="230"
                                        Editable="false" />
                                    <cc1:ColModel header="Name" dataIndex="BLastName" sortable="false" width="90" />
                                    <cc1:ColModel header="Group ID" dataIndex="BGroupID" sortable="false" width="90" />
                                    <cc1:ColModel header="Plan" dataIndex="BEmployeeID" sortable="false" width="90" />
    YuiGrid1.TotalRecords = mbrColl.Count;
    YuiGrid1.DataSource = mbrColl;
  2. #2
    please let me know, if any one got a chance to look into this. any help is much appreciated. based on this we will decide to buy or just use the open source YuiGrid
  3. #3
    The Thing in is that in Store u have to declare a reader ie:Either u have to declare a jason reader or a array reader
    It is very important to declare an reader bcoz the data fetched from the server is read in either of the reader and then it is assigned to the grid
    For more information u can reffer to the official website..there u will get an exact idea

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