GridPanel Grouping + Checkbox

  1. #1

    GridPanel Grouping + Checkbox

    Is there a way to combine grouping + checkboxes with the gridpanel?

    If the only way is through extensive javascript using plugins or whatever, we'll try something different. (c:

  2. #2

    RE: GridPanel Grouping + Checkbox


    Do you mean using CheckBoxSelectionModel or using checkbox inside group header?

  3. #3

    RE: GridPanel Grouping + Checkbox

    GridPanel grouping + CheckboxSelectionModel


    So you effectively have a checkbox next to every item inside a group. I don't care if groups have checkboxes or not (if they did, it would work by checking/unchecking all the group's items).
    Hope that makes sense.
  4. #4

    RE: GridPanel Grouping + Checkbox

    I added CheckBoxSelectionModel to the grid which used Grouping and appears to be working. The following sample demonstrates.*

    Here is my sample code
    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Coolite.Ext.Web" Namespace="Coolite.Ext.Web" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
    *** "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <head runat="server">
    *** <title>GridPanel GroupingView with EnableRowBody - Coolite Toolkit Example</title>
    *** <link href="../../../../resources/css/examples.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    *** <form id="form1" runat="server">
    ******* <ext:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />
    ******* <script type="text/javascript">
    *********** // this "setGroupStyle" function is called when the GroupingView is refreshed.**** 
    *********** var setGroupStyle = function(view) {
    *************** // get an instance of the Groups
    *************** var groups = view.getGroups();
    *************** for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
    ******************* // Loop through the Groups, the do a query to find the  with our ColorCode
    ******************* // Get the "id" from the  and split on the "-", the second array item should be our ColorCode
    ******************* var color = "#" + Ext.query("span", groups[i])[0].id.split("-")[1];
    ******************* // Set the "background-color" of the original Group node.
    ******************* Ext.get(groups[i]).setStyle("background-color", color);
    *************** }
    *********** }
    ******* </script>
    ******* <ext:Store runat="server" ID="Store1" AutoLoad="true" GroupField="Light">
    *********** <Proxy>
    *************** <ext:HttpProxy Method="POST" Url="../../Shared/PlantService.asmx/Plants" />
    *********** </Proxy>
    *********** <Reader>
    *************** <ext:XmlReader Record="Plant">
    ******************* <Fields>
    *********************** <ext:RecordField Name="Common" />
    *********************** <ext:RecordField Name="Botanical" />
    *********************** <ext:RecordField Name="Zone" Type="Int" />
    *********************** <ext:RecordField Name="ColorCode" />
    *********************** <ext:RecordField Name="Light" />
    *********************** <ext:RecordField Name="Price" Type="Float" />
    *********************** <ext:RecordField Name="Availability" Type="Date" />
    *********************** <ext:RecordField Name="Indoor" Type="Boolean" />
    ******************* </Fields>
    *************** </ext:XmlReader>
    *********** </Reader>
    *********** <SortInfo Field="Common" Direction="ASC" />
    ******* </ext:Store>
    ******* <ext:GridPanel
    *********** ID="GridPanel1"
    *********** runat="server" 
    *********** Collapsible="true" 
    *********** Width="600" 
    *********** Height="350" 
    *********** AutoExpandColumn="Common" 
    *********** Title="Plants" 
    *********** Frame="true" 
    *********** StoreID="Store1">
    *********** <ColumnModel runat="server">
    *********** <Columns>
    *************** <ext:Column ColumnID="Common" Header="Common Name" DataIndex="Common" Width="220" Sortable="true" />
    *************** <ext:Column Header="Light" DataIndex="Light" Width="130" Sortable="true" />
    *************** <ext:Column Header="Price" DataIndex="Price" Width="70" Align="right" Sortable="true" Groupable="false">
    ******************* <Renderer Format="UsMoney" />
    *************** </ext:Column>
    *************** <ext:Column Header="Available" DataIndex="Availability" Width="95" Sortable="true" Groupable="false">
    ******************* <Renderer Fn="Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('Y-m-d')" />
    *************** </ext:Column>
    *************** <ext:Column Header="Indoor?" DataIndex="Indoor" Width="55" Sortable="true" />
    *********** </Columns>
    *********** </ColumnModel>
    *********** <LoadMask ShowMask="true" />
    *********** <SelectionModel>
    *************** <ext:CheckboxSelectionModel runat="server"></ext:CheckboxSelectionModel>
    *********** </SelectionModel>
    *********** <View>
    *************** <ext:GroupingView* 
    ******************* ID="GroupingView1"
    ******************* HideGroupedColumn="true"
    ******************* runat="server" 
    ******************* ForceFit="true"
    ******************* StartCollapsed="true"
    ******************* GroupTextTpl='{text} ({[]} {[ > 1 ? "Items" : "Item"]})'
    ******************* EnableRowBody="true">
    ******************* <Listeners>
    *********************** <Refresh Fn="setGroupStyle" />
    ******************* </Listeners>
    ******************* <GetRowClass Handler="var d =; rowParams.body = String.format('<div style=\'padding:0 5px 5px 5px;\'>The {0} [{1}] requires light conditions of {2}.<br />Price: {3}
    ', d.Common, d.Botanical, d.Light, Ext.util.Format.usMoney(d.Price));" />
    *************** </ext:GroupingView>
    *********** </View>
    *********** <Buttons>
    *************** <ext:Button 
    ******************* ID="btnToggleGroups" 
    ******************* runat="server" 
    ******************* Text="Expand/Collapse Groups"
    ******************* Icon="TableSort"
    ******************* Style="margin-left: 6px;"
    ******************* AutoPostBack="false">
    ******************* <Listeners>
    *********************** <Click Handler="#{GridPanel1}.getView().toggleAllGroups();" />
    ******************* </Listeners>
    *************** </ext:Button>
    *********** </Buttons>
    ******* </ext:GridPanel>
    *** </form>

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