Populating MultiCombo in Page_Load : "This operation requires an AjaxRequest"

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    Populating MultiCombo in Page_Load : "This operation requires an AjaxRequest"


    First; I have browsed numerous posts on this forum that relates to my question but haven't really figured out what to do here.

    So, I have a MultiCombo that I want to populate in the Page_Load of that page.

    <ext:MultiCombo ID="MultiCombo_allowedLoginChannels" runat="server" SelectionMode="All" FieldLabel="Some text" Width="175">
    and my code for populating the MultiCombo:

    Assembly[] asms = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
                    foreach (Assembly assembly in asms)
                        Type[] typeArray = assembly.GetTypes();
                        foreach (Type type in typeArray)
                            if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(SomeVeryCoolType)))
                                MultiCombo_allowedLoginChannels.AddItem(type.Name, type);
    When I hit
    MultiCombo_allowedLoginChannels.AddItem(type.Name, type);
    I get the error:
    "This operation requires an AjaxRequest"

    So I started to surf, and read some posts (here, here for example) but to no avail.

    So my question is obvious:

    How should you populate a MultiCombo? Can I do it in Page_load? Im obviously missing something =)

    ------ UPDATE -----------

    So I figured out one solution that sort of works. I create a Store in markup, then in the Page_Load method I do this:

    List<object> asd = new List<object>();
                Assembly[] asms = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
                foreach (Assembly assembly in asms)
                    Type[] typeArray = assembly.GetTypes();
                    foreach (Type type in typeArray)
                        if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(MyNiceType)))
                            asd.Add(new object[] { type.ToString(), type.Name, type });
                Store_LoginChannels.DataSource = asd;
    The MultiCombo looks like this:

    <ext:MultiCombo ID="MultiCombo_allowedLoginChannels" runat="server" SelectionMode="All" FieldLabel="Inloggning via" Width="175" StoreID="Store_LoginChannels"
    and the Store:

    <ext:Store ID="Store_LoginChannels" runat="server">
                        <ext:RecordField Name="typeStringId" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="typeName" />
                        <ext:RecordField Name="typeObject" />
    The problem now is that it doesnt work like I want it to, ie I cannot select anything from the list. It works fine if I hardcode in <Items> in there, but using the Store I cant get it to work just yet...

    Someone can clse this thread =)

    --- Update 2 ---

    The last issue, that I cannot select anything from the MultiComb, is explained here:
    Last edited by wagger; Mar 28, 2011 at 10:57 AM.

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