
  1. #1



    i want to set initial position for the ext:window when it will be first time shown. initially the window is hidden

    i am using window.setPosition(x,y); before executing the window.show() command. it doesnt works for showing the window first time but works for onwards even if the window position is changed through drag.
  2. #2

    Please just set .X and .Y Window's properties.
  3. #3
    i have set the x and y values for the window but it still doesnt fix the window at the specified position
    <ext:Window runat="server" Width="695" Height="560" Closable="false" ID="winBody" Shadow="None" Hidden="true" AnimateTarget="lblAnimTar" X="180" Y="0">
  4. #4
    Please provide a sample to reproduce.
  5. #5
    <script type="text/javascript">
    		    var showWindow = function(win){
    <ext:Viewport runat="server" ID="pageViewPort" Layout="Border">
                    <ext:Panel runat="server" Padding="5" ID="pnlNorth" Border="false" Height="80" Region="North" Cls="m-north-region-panel">
                    <ext:Panel runat="server" ID="pnlCenter" Border="false" Region="Center" Cls="m-center-region-panel">
                               <ext:Button runat="server" Height="40" Text="Customer Orders" ID="btnTest">
                                    <Click Handler="showWindow(#{winBody});" />
                    <ext:Panel runat="server" ID="pnlSouth" Border="false" Height="60" Region="South" Cls="m-south-region-panel">
    <ext:Window runat="server" Width="695" Height="560" Closable="false" ID="winBody" Shadow="None" Hidden="true" AnimateTarget="lblAnimTar" X="180" Y="0">
    well i am using the above example and when the button clicks i want to show and align the window to Viewport Center panel X=somevalue and Y=somevalue
  6. #6

    Try to set InitCenter="false" for the window
  7. #7
    Also, please use PageX and PageY

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