Success function in calling Direct!

  1. #1

    Success function in calling Direct!


    i want use success function in after calling Direct Method. I have something like this:

    <ext:XScript runat="server" ID="scripts">
    <script type="text/javascript">

    function EmpClick() {
    var frm = Ext.getCmp("FormPanel1");
    if (frm.isValid()) {
    success: function (result) {
    #{FormPanel1}.getForm().updateRecord(#{GridPanel1} .getSelectionModel().getSelected());
    failure: function (errorMsg) {


    and the following Direct Methods :

    public void UpdateRecA()
    string updateEmployee = "update [dbo].[tbl_Employee] set [FirstName]=' " + test + "' where employeeID = '5'";
    SQLHelper spConnectionObject = new SQLHelper();
    spConnectionObject.GetExecuteNonQueryByCommand(upd ateEmployee, CommandType.Text);


    when i run this, I'm getting the error in browser: Ext.Net is undefined
    [Break On This Error] Ext.Net.DirectMethods.UpdateRecA ....

    And, when I remove success/failure function like this
    if (frm.isValid()) {

    it works fine!
    As you see, my goal is when I update record in DB using direct method, then I want on success to update the record in grid using success: function (result) {
    #{FormPanel1}.getForm().updateRecord(#{GridPanel1} .getSelectionModel().getSelected());

    Please, help!

    Thank you, ABob
    Last edited by Aleksa007; Mar 05, 2011 at 11:33 AM.
  2. #2
    Hi Aleksa... you need to sent a "response" from your code behind you have to code your function like this...

    public DirectResponse UpdateRecA()
        DirectResponse response = new DirectResponse();
            string updateEmployee = "update [dbo].[tbl_Employee] set [FirstName]=' " + test + "' where employeeID = '5'";
            SQLHelper spConnectionObject = new SQLHelper();
            spConnectionObject.GetExecuteNonQueryByCommand(upd ateEmployee, CommandType.Text);
            response.Result = [What ever you want to returt to the success: function(result)] 
            response.Success = true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            response.Success = false;
            response.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
        return response;
    Hope it Helps you...

  3. #3

    You don't need DirectResponse
    Please see the following sample

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