[CLOSED] PartialView to replace the contents of a div.

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] PartialView to replace the contents of a div.


    I originally posted this problem a few weeks ago:


    But the problem has come back, and I'm not sure why/how! Basically, when a row is clicked in my grid, I need to replace the contents of a Div with the results of a PartialView render. Instead of replacing the content, it's appending to the end of it.

    My trigger on the RowSelect of the grid:

                            <RowSelect Url="/Partial/ChannelView" CleanRequest="true">
                                    <ext:Parameter Name="containerId" Value="#{ChangesChannel}.body.id" Mode="Raw" />
                                    <ext:Parameter Name="equipmentId" Value="#{ChangesGridPanel}.getSelectionModel().getSelected().data.EquipmentId" Mode="Raw" />
                                    <ext:Parameter Name="equipmentPortNum" Value="#{ChangesGridPanel}.getSelectionModel().getSelected().data.EquipmentPortNum" Mode="Raw" />
    And my controller code:

            public ActionResult ChannelView(string containerId, string equipmentId, string equipmentPortNum)
                ViewData["Channel"] = _builder.BuildChannel(Convert.ToInt32(equipmentId), Convert.ToInt32(equipmentPortNum));
                PartialViewResult pr = new PartialViewResult(containerId, RenderMode.RenderTo);
                //pr.ControlToRender = "ChangesChannel";
                return pr;
    I can see the result from this in firebug looks like this:
    {script:"Ext.net.append(Ext.net.getEl(\"ext-gen17\"),[\"<div id=\\\"ID_0a6a0587239842429369028bca256a88_Container\\\">\",\"<div id=\\\"ID_0a6a0587239842429369028bca256a88_Content\\\" class=\\\"x-hidden\\\">\",\"<div class=\\\"channel\\\">\",\"   \",\"  \",\"        <div class=\\\"channel-port\\\">\",\"            \",\"                <img src=\\\"/Content/Images/Port.png\\\" alt=\\\"port\\\"/>\",\"            \",\"            <p>WC1-R02</p>\",\"        </div>\",\"        \",\"            <div class=\\\"channel-cable\\\">\",\"                <div class=\\\"border Permanent\\\" \",\"                    \",\"                    ></div>\",\"                <p>WC1-R02-10</p>\",\"            </div>\",\"            \",\"        <div class=\\\"channel-port\\\">\",\"            \",\"                <img src=\\\"/Content/Images/Port.png\\\" alt=\\\"port\\\"/>\",\"            \",\"            <p></p>\",\"        </div>\",\"        \",\"</div>\",\"</div>\",\"</div>\"].join(''));Ext.net.ResourceMgr.destroyCmp(\"ID_0a6a0587239842429369028bca256a88\");new Ext.Panel({id:\"ID_0a6a0587239842429369028bca256a88\",contentEl:\"ID_0a6a0587239842429369028bca256a88_Content\",renderTo:\"ext-gen17\",border:false,header:false});"}
    How can I replace instead of appending the content?
    Last edited by Daniil; Feb 24, 2011 at 11:07 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2

    I can suggest you to just clear panel's content before loading new content, please use Before handler.
    <Click Url="/Partial/Channel" CleanRequest="true" Before="ChangesChannel.update()">
    But there is a one problem - memory leaking.

    .update() doesn't destroy panel's widgets and they leaves in the memory.

    So, it's required to destroy them manually. Well, I can suggest you to investigate the following example.

    Widgets are stored in cache and removed of necessity.
  3. #3

    My "partial" doesn't actually render any ExtJS objects - its a simple set of divs with no ExtJS functionality at all, so in my case I don't think memory leakage will apply, right?
  4. #4
    Yes, you are right. Sometimes I forget that we can avoid Ext.Net using:)

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