[CLOSED] Open window in a parent container

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Open window in a parent container


    I' have this helper method to open new windows:

    function NewWindow(container, winId, winURL, winTitle, winHeight, winWidth, winModal, winMax, winRes, winCollap, winIconCls) {
                    if (winTitle == '' || winTitle == undefined) { winTitle = 'Teste' }
                    if (winCollap == '' || winCollap == undefined) { winCollap = false }
                    if (winRes == '' || winRes == undefined) { winRes = false }
                    if (winModal == '' || winModal == undefined) { winModal = false }
                    if (winHeight == '' || winHeight == undefined) { winHeight = 500 }
                    if (winWidth == '' || winWidth == undefined) { winWidth = 500 }
                    var win = new Ext.Window({ renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
                                    maximizable: winMax,
                                    resizable: winRes,
                                    collapsible: winCollap,
                                    constrain: false,
                                    title: winTitle,
                                    height: winHeight,
                                    width: winWidth,
                                    modal: winModal,
                                    iconCls: winIconCls,
                                    frame: true,
                                    layout: 'fit',
                                    autoLoad: { maskMsg: "Cargando...", showMask: true, mode: "iframe", url: winURL }
    How can open a new windows in a parent container? currently renderTo: is to Ext.getBody(). I have a container parameter prepared to this action.

    Last edited by Daniil; Feb 22, 2011 at 8:23 AM. Reason: Removed <font> tags, [CLOSED]
  2. #2

    Paste code again.

    function NewWindow(container, winId, winURL, winTitle, winHeight, winWidth, winModal, winMax, winRes, winCollap, winIconCls) {
                    if (winTitle == '' || winTitle == undefined) { winTitle = 'Teste' }
                    if (winCollap == '' || winCollap == undefined) { winCollap = false }
                    if (winRes == '' || winRes == undefined) { winRes = false }
                    if (winModal == '' || winModal == undefined) { winModal = false }
                    if (winHeight == '' || winHeight == undefined) { winHeight = 500 }
                    if (winWidth == '' || winWidth == undefined) { winWidth = 500 }
                    var win = new Ext.Window({ renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
                                    maximizable: winMax,
                                    resizable: winRes,
                                    collapsible: winCollap,
                                    constrain: false,
                                    title: winTitle,
                                    height: winHeight,
                                    width: winWidth,
                                    modal: winModal,
                                    iconCls: winIconCls,
                                    frame: true,
                                    layout: 'fit',
                                    autoLoad: { maskMsg: "Cargando...", showMask: true, mode: "iframe", url: winURL }
  3. #3

    Please note that you could edit your initial post. I mean that you could avoid posting code again.

    Regarding the question.

    To render a window to parent's container, please use the following code:
    See also

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