
I upgraded my project to ext.net, but now i've a problem with the autoload of my tabs.
The tabs are added perfectly, but the content is only loaded when i click on the tab.

function addTab(tabPanel,id, url, name) {
    var tab = tabPanel.getComponent(id);            
    if (!tab) {
 tab = tabPanel.add({
     id: id,
     title: name,
     closable: false,
     autoLoad: {
  showMask: true,
  url: url,
  mode: 'iframe',
  maskMsg: 'Loading ' + name + '...'
<ext:FieldSet runat="server" StyleSpec="padding-bottom:5px;margin:5px;" Collapsible="false" ID="FieldSetDetails" Title="Company Types">
 <ext:TabPanel ID="TabPanelCompanyDetails" runat="server" Height="540" Cls="auto-width-tab-strip" AutoScroll="false" BodyStyle="background-color:#ecf2ff;" DeferredRender="false" LayoutOnTabChange="true">