[CLOSED] Nested Gridpanel's with RowExpander Plugin - prevent rowrefresh after edit

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Nested Gridpanel's with RowExpander Plugin - prevent rowrefresh after edit

    Referring to this thread: http://forums.ext.net/showthread.php...checkbox-click

    so we have parent Gridpanel wiht CheckBox column and child gridpanel's loaded dynamically.


    "Editing row raises row refereshing, it means that row will be rerendered, all previous content which you added to row expander will be lost Therefore you have to rerender the grid inside expander (for example, expand row again)"

    Is there any way to avoid row refeshing???

    Why do we need a roundtrip to the server in order to rerender content that should not be changed at all?

    I've noticed that nested Gridpanel's are not supported but what do you suggest in situations like this?

    Should we use standard HTML input type="checkbox" in a column's renderer to prevent this?

    Last edited by Daniil; Feb 02, 2011 at 10:43 AM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by deejayns View Post

    "Editing row raises row refereshing, it means that row will be rerendered, all previous content which you added to row expander will be lost Therefore you have to rerender the grid inside expander (for example, expand row again)"

    Is there any way to avoid row refeshing???

    In context of GridPanel it's impossible to prevent row refreshing - it's in core of GridPanel.
  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by deejayns View Post
    Why do we need a roundtrip to the server in order to rerender content that should not be changed at all?
    I've noticed that nested Gridpanel's are not supported but what do you suggest in situations like this?
    Should we use standard HTML input type="checkbox" in a column's renderer to prevent this?
    Well, you could try something like this:

    <ext:TemplateColumn Header="Test" DataIndex="Selected">
        <Template ID="Template1" runat="server">
            <input type="checkbox"></input>
    But there can be another issues.
  4. #4
    Even I would suggest you to try common Column with custom renderer.

    var myRenderer = function (value, record) {
        var html = [];
        html.push('<input type="checkbox"');
        if (value) {
            html.push(' checked="true"');
        return html.join("");
    <ext:Column Header="Test" DataIndex="Selected">
        <Renderer Fn="myRenderer" />
  5. #5

    Why do we need a roundtrip to the server in order to rerender content that should not be changed at all?
    Grid destroys row markup because renderers must be called to apply new (changed) values. Renderers return new markup therefore old markup is destroyed and new is applied

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