I've downloaded Ext.NetCommuity.1.0rc1. I've yet to find a good example for what I need and since there are no docs for ext.net, I'm asking for help.

I have an aspx page with c# code behind. The page has two Grids on it. The top grid is used to display items (the catalog). When an Add button is clicked next to an item, it is added to the bottom grid (the PO). The bottom grid has Delete and update buttons, so items can be Deleted and Updated. This all works fine.

The need is to update the grids on the client and execute server callbacks to update the DB. Basically the need is to avoid page/grid refreshes from the server every time there is a change, as the grid can become quite large. So, if I click the Add button, I need to update the bottom grid, and then call a server callback to add that one item to the DB.

My questions are:

1) Do I need to use Restful=true (and everything else that goes with it) on the ext:Store ? If so, is there a good example out there showing this ? I haven't found one yet.

2) If not Restful=true, than what ?

Thanks in advance