[CLOSED] Problem to close Window which has another Window inside

  1. #1

    [CLOSED] Problem to close Window which has another Window inside

    I'm opening a window inside another window with the following code:

    x = openWindow('Venta Diaria', '../Operaciones/OperacionMaterialEditar.aspx, 650, 900, false, true, true, true, true, 'Cargando...', 'VentaDiaria' + ID, desk);
    function openWindow(title, url, height, width, maximizable, modal, resizable, autoscroll, closable, mask, id, desktop) {
        var x = new Ext.Window
                    id: id,
                    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
                    resizable: resizable,
                    closeAction: 'close',
                    autoScroll: autoscroll,
                    bodyStyle: 'padding:5px;',
                    frame: true,
                    modal: modal,
                    closable: closable,
                    maximizable: maximizable,
                        maskMsg: mask,
                        showMask: true,
                        mode: "iframe", // "merge",
                        url: url
                { title: title,
                    height: height,
                    width: width
        if (desktop != null) {
        return x;
    If I close the child window at first and then the parent it works excellent. The problem appears when I close directly the parent window. It seems like the child window stays 'alive' and when I open the parent again I have the following error:

    (Error message: Can't excecute code from a freed script)

    How can I solve this? Apparently the child window is not 'modal' enough, so it would be Ok if I just could mask the parent page..

    Thank you!
    Last edited by geoffrey.mcgill; Dec 21, 2010 at 6:22 PM. Reason: [CLOSED]
  2. #2

    Please provide 'OperacionMaterialEditar.aspx' page
  3. #3
    I've attached the aspx page..
    Attached Files
  4. #4

    There is a lot of code. Needs some time to investigate.

    Or could you minimize?
  5. #5

    Please clarify

    You wrote:

    > Or could you minimize?

    I'm sorry, but I didn't quite get that last remark. Are you asking me to minimize (condense) the code I sent, or are you talking about minimizing a window? :confused:
  6. #6
    Oh, apologize, I should explain better.

    I meant minimizing of the code that you sent.
  7. #7
    I found the problem!

    I have the 'main' aspx (OperacionesMateriales.aspx) with this button:
    <ext:Button ID="btnAgregarNuevo" runat="server" Text="Cargar Venta Diaria" StandOut="true" Icon="Add">
                    <Click Handler="mostrarDetalle('0');"/>
    function mostrarDetalle(ID) {
                var x;
                var dsk = window.parent.parent.getCoolDesktop();
                var desk = dsk.app.getDesktop();
                var hidEsCarga = document.getElementById('hidEsCarga');
                var hidOperacionTipoCodigo = document.getElementById('hidOperacionTipoCodigo');
                var hidTareaID = document.getElementById('hidTareaID');
                var strEsAlta = '0';
                if (ID == '0')
                    strEsAlta = '1';
                x = openWindow('EdiciĆ³n', '../Operaciones/OperacionMaterialEditar.aspx?OperacionID=' + ID, 650, 900, false, true, true, true, false, 'Cargando...', 'VentaDiaria' + ID, desk);
    function openWindow(title, url, height, width, maximizable, modal, resizable, autoscroll, closable, mask, id, desktop) {
        var x = new Ext.Window
                    id: id,
                    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
                    resizable: resizable,
                    closeAction: 'close',
                    autoScroll: autoscroll,
                    bodyStyle: 'padding:5px;',
                    frame: true,
                    modal: modal,
                    closable: closable,
                    maximizable: maximizable,
                        maskMsg: mask,
                        showMask: true,
                        mode: "iframe", // "merge",
                        url: url
                { title: title,
                    height: height,
                    width: width
        if (desktop != null) {
        return x;
    Then, there is the new page (OperacionMaterialEditar.aspx) opened in a modal window inside the 'main' page (OperacionesMateriales.aspx).
    The problem was the 'desktop.getManager().register(x);' I haven't that error if I don't put that line.
  8. #8

    Please clarify is the problem solved? Or you have just localized this?
  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniil View Post

    Please clarify is the problem solved? Or you have just localized this?
    Yes I could solve it. I was making a mistake doing this: "desktop.getManager().register(x);". I needed it for another reason but I can avoid that line for this particular case.


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