Postback parameter duplication after call to Render()

  1. #1

    Postback parameter duplication after call to Render()


    Iam having a very weird problem that is happening after a DirectEvent from a combobox in which calls TableGrid.Render()
    The following happens:
    DatabaseManagerModuleTableColumnsGrid_SM and DatabaseManagerModuleTableGrid_SM have multiple entries in the post back and this is causing problems since only one of them is loaded :S
    Every time the Render() function is called a new DatabaseManagerModuleTableColumnsGrid_SM and DatabaseManagerModuleTableGrid_SM entry is added to the headers, any idea why?

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using Ext.Net;
    using Button = Ext.Net.Button;
    using Panel = Ext.Net.Panel;
    using Parameter = Ext.Net.Parameter;
    namespace Singularity
        public class DatabaseManagerModule : ISingularityModule
            private const string MODULE_ID = "DatabaseManagerModule";
            private readonly string LAUNCHER_ID = string.Format("{0}Launcher", MODULE_ID);
            private readonly string WINDOW_ID = string.Format("{0}Window", MODULE_ID);
            public const string ApplicationName = "Database Manager";
            public readonly Version ApplicationVersion = new Version(1, 0);
            private DesktopWindow ApplicationWindow { get; set; }
            private DesktopShortcut ApplicationDesktopShortcut { get; set; }
            private DesktopModule ApplicationDesktopModule { get; set; }
            private List<Control> ApplicationPageControls { get; set; }
            private Panel WestPanel;
            private Store TableStore;
            private GridPanel TableGrid;
            private Store DatabaseStore;
            private ComboBox DatabaseCombo;
            private Store TableColumnsStore;
            private GridPanel TableColumnsGrid;
            public DatabaseManagerModule(bool autorun, Desktop parent)
                ApplicationPageControls = new List<Control>();
                ApplicationDesktopModule = new DesktopModule
                    ModuleID = MODULE_ID,
                    WindowID = WINDOW_ID,
                    AutoRun = autorun,
                    Launcher =
                        ID = LAUNCHER_ID,
                        Text = ApplicationName,
                        Icon = Icon.Application,
                ApplicationDesktopShortcut = new DesktopShortcut
                    ModuleID = MODULE_ID,
                    Text = string.Format("{0} v{1}", ApplicationName, ApplicationVersion),
                    IconCls = string.Format("ShortcutIcon {0}DesktopShortcutIcon", MODULE_ID),
                ApplicationWindow = new DesktopWindow
                    ID = WINDOW_ID,
                    Title = string.Format("{0} v{1}", ApplicationName, ApplicationVersion),
                    Icon = Icon.Database,
                    Width = 800,
                    Height = 400,
                    Layout = "fit",
                    Collapsible = true,
                ApplicationWindow.Init += Window_Load;
            private void Window_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (ApplicationWindow.Items.Count == 0)
                    DatabaseStore = new Store
                        ID = string.Format("{0}DatabaseStore", MODULE_ID),
                        BaseParams =
                            new Parameter("Command", "GetDatabases", ParameterMode.Value),
                        Proxy =
                            new HttpProxy
                                Url = "DatabaseManagerHandler.ashx",
                                Method = HttpMethod.POST,
                        Reader =
                            new ArrayReader
                                Fields =
                                    new RecordField("DatabaseName"),
                    DatabaseCombo = new ComboBox
                        ID = string.Format("{0}DatabaseCombo", MODULE_ID),
                        DisplayField = "DatabaseName",
                        ValueField = "DatabaseName",
                        Store = 
                    DatabaseCombo.DirectSelect += DatabaseCombo_DirectSelect;
                    TableStore = new Store
                        ID = string.Format("{0}TableStore", MODULE_ID),
                        BaseParams =
                            new Parameter("Command", "GetDatabaseTables", ParameterMode.Value),
                            new Parameter("TargetDatabase", DatabaseCombo.SelectedItem.Text, ParameterMode.Value),
                        Proxy =
                            new HttpProxy
                                Url = "DatabaseManagerHandler.ashx",
                                Method = HttpMethod.POST,
                        Reader =
                            new ArrayReader
                                Fields =
                                    new RecordField("TableField"),
                    TableGrid = new GridPanel
                        ID = string.Format("{0}TableGrid", MODULE_ID),
                        Title = "Tables",
                        AutoExpandColumn = "TableField",
                        Height = Unit.Pixel(350),
                        Store =
                        ColumnModel =
                            Columns =
                                new Column
                                    Header= "TableField",
                                    DataIndex = "TableField",
                                    ColumnID = "TableField",
                        SelectionModel =
                            new CellSelectionModel
                                ID = "SelectedCellId",
                    (TableGrid.SelectionModel.Primary as CellSelectionModel).DirectEvents.CellSelect.Event += CellSelected;
                    TableColumnsStore = new Store
                        ID = string.Format("{0}TableColumnsStore", MODULE_ID),
                        BaseParams =
                            new Parameter("Command", "GetTableColumns", ParameterMode.Value),
                            new Parameter("TargetDatabase", DatabaseCombo.SelectedItem.Text, ParameterMode.Value),
                            new Parameter("TargetTable", (TableGrid.SelectionModel.Primary as CellSelectionModel).SelectedCell.Value, ParameterMode.Value),
                        Proxy =
                            new HttpProxy
                                Url = "DatabaseManagerHandler.ashx",
                                Method = HttpMethod.POST,
                        Reader =
                            new JsonReader
                                Fields =
                                    new RecordField("Field"),
                                    new RecordField("Type"),
                                    new RecordField("Null"),
                                    new RecordField("Key"),
                                    new RecordField("Default"),
                                    new RecordField("Extra"),
                    TableColumnsGrid = new GridPanel
                        ID = string.Format("{0}TableColumnsGrid", MODULE_ID),
                        Title = "Table Columns",
                        AutoExpandColumn = "Field",
                        Store =
                        ColumnModel =
                            Columns =
                                new Column
                                    MenuDisabled = true,
                                    DataIndex = "Field",
                                    Header = "Field",
                                new Column
                                    MenuDisabled = true,
                                    DataIndex = "Type",
                                    Header = "Type",
                                new BooleanColumn
                                    MenuDisabled = true,
                                    DataIndex = "Null",
                                    Header = "Null",
                                    TrueText = "YES",
                                    FalseText = "NO",
                                new Column
                                    MenuDisabled = true,
                                    DataIndex = "Key",
                                    Header = "Key",
                                new Column
                                    MenuDisabled = true,
                                    DataIndex = "Default",
                                    Header = "Default",
                                new Column
                                    MenuDisabled = true,
                                    DataIndex = "Extra",
                                    Header = "Extra",
                    WestPanel = new Panel
                        TopBar =
                            new Toolbar
                                Items =
                                    new Button
                                        ID = string.Format("{0}AddDatabaseButton", MODULE_ID),
                                        StandOut = true,
                                        Icon = Icon.DatabaseAdd,
                                        ToolTip = "Add database",
                                    new Button
                                        ID = string.Format("{0}DeleteDatabaseButton", MODULE_ID),
                                        StandOut = true,
                                        Icon = Icon.DatabaseDelete,
                                        ToolTip = "Delete database",
                                    new Button
                                        ID = string.Format("{0}DropDatabaseButton", MODULE_ID),
                                        StandOut = true,
                                        Icon = Icon.ArrowUndo,
                                        ToolTip = "Empty database",
                        ID = string.Format("{0}WestPanel", MODULE_ID),
                        Title = "Databases",
                        Collapsible = true,
                        MinWidth = Unit.Pixel(170),
                        Border = false,
                        Layout = "fit",
                        Items =
                    WestPanel.DirectEvents.AutoDataBind = true;
                    WestPanel.DirectEvents.Resize.Event += Resize_Event;
                    new BorderLayout
                        West =
                            Split = true,
                            Items =
                        Center =
                            Items =
                                new Panel
                                    ID = string.Format("{0}CenterPanel", MODULE_ID),
                                    Layout = "fit",
                                    ContentControls = 
                                    Items = 
            private void CellSelected(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
                TableColumnsStore.BaseParams["TargetDatabase"] = DatabaseCombo.SelectedItem.Text;
                TableColumnsStore.BaseParams["TargetTable"] = (TableGrid.SelectionModel.Primary as CellSelectionModel).SelectedCell.Value;
            private void Resize_Event(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
            private void DatabaseCombo_DirectSelect(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
                TableStore.BaseParams["TargetDatabase"] = DatabaseCombo.SelectedItem.Text;
            public DesktopModule GetDesktopModule()
                return ApplicationDesktopModule;
            public DesktopWindow GetWindow()
                return ApplicationWindow;
            public DesktopShortcut GetDesktopShortcut()
                return ApplicationDesktopShortcut;
            public List<Control> GetPageControls()
                return ApplicationPageControls;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Web.UI;
    namespace Singularity
        public partial class _Default : Page
            private List<ISingularityModule> Modules;
            protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Modules = new List<ISingularityModule>();
                Modules.Add(new DatabaseManagerModule(false, SingularityDesktop));
                foreach (ISingularityModule item in Modules)
    Thanks in advance!
  2. #2

    Thanks for the bug report. Please use the following fix
        getSelectionModelField: function() {
            if (!this.selectionModelField) {
                this.selectionModelField = new Ext.form.Hidden({ id: + "_SM", name: + "_SM" });
                this.on("beforedestroy", function() { 
                    if (this.rendered) {
                }, this.selectionModelField);
            return this.selectionModelField;
    You can place that script to the separate js file and attach it to the all pages to the page head
    <ext:ResourcePlaceHolder runat="server" Mode="ScriptFiles"/>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""/>
  3. #3

    By the way, why do you call Render for the grid after the store rebindng. It is not required to rerender grid when you rebind the store
  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Vladimir View Post

    By the way, why do you call Render for the grid after the store rebindng. It is not required to rerender grid when you rebind the store
    Hi Valdimir,

    Thanks for the fast reply!
    Well i did use the render because it didnt render by itself somehow :S
    But that could also be because of the same bug i think?

  5. #5
    Hi Vladimir,

    I just implemented the fix and everything is working properly now.

    Thanks again!

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