I can create a store and a combobox on the codebehind. I am just not sure how I assign this store to the combobox.

//Add Subject Combobox
            ComboBox comboSubject = new ComboBox();
            comboSubject.FieldLabel = "Subject";
            // it would accept xStore to comboSubject.Store (Cannot implicitly convert type 'Ext.Net.Store' to 'Ext.Net.StoreCollection')
            comboSubject.Store = xStore();
            comboSubject.ValueField = "SubjectCode";
            comboSubject.DisplayField = "Description";
            comboSubject.AnchorHorizontal = "95%";

//Create a Store
    private Ext.Net.Store xStore()
        //Get the data for the store
        SubjectBLL subjectBLL = new SubjectBLL();
        List<Subject> subjectList = new List<Subject>();
        subjectList = subjectBLL.getAllSubjects();

        //Create the store
        JsonReader _jsonReader = new JsonReader();
        Store xStore = new Store();


        xStore.DataSource = subjectList;
        return xStore;
Not sure how I get this working.:confused: