How to increase the TAB to add icons to the TAB?

  1. #1

    How to increase the TAB to add icons to the TAB?

    How to increase the TAB to add icons to the TAB?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	TT截图未命名.jpg 
Views:	446 
Size:	49.8 KB 
ID:	1809
  2. #2

    To add a predefined icon please use the Panel's Icon property.
    To add a custom icon please use Panel's IconCls (css class) property.
  3. #3
    I'm sorry, maybe you do not clearly understand what I mean.
    I want to achieve how to dynamically load the tab, the tab label to the right side to add icons
  4. #4
    You can set the .TabWidth property, see

    If that does not solve the problem, please post a code sample demonstrating how you currently have your TabPanel configured.
    Geoffrey McGill
  5. #5
    function addTab(tabPanel, id, url, title, icon) {
                var tab = tabPanel.getComponent(id);
                if (!tab) {
                    tab = tabPanel.add({
                        id: id,
                        title: title,
                        closable: true,
                        iconCls: icon,
                        autoLoad: {
                            showMask: true,
                            url: url,
                            mode: 'iframe',
                            maskMsg: 'loading【 ' + title + '】'
    Note iconCls: icon,

    No problem with this code.

    <ext:TreeNode Text="UserCenter" Expanded="true" Icon="House" AllowChildren="false">
                                                    <ext:TreeNode NodeID="order" Text="My Order" Icon="Cart" Href="Order.aspx" HrefTarget="ExampleTabs"
                                                        Leaf="true" IconCls="icon-cart">
                                                    <ext:TreeNode Text="TravelServiceManage" Expanded="true" Icon="RainbowStar" AllowChildren="false">
                                                            <ext:TreeNode NodeID="tour" Text="Travel" Icon="ColorWheel" Href="Tourmanage.aspx" HrefTarget="ExampleTabs"
                                                            <ext:TreeNode NodeID="room" Text="House" IconCls="icoroom" Href="Roommanage.aspx" HrefTarget="ExampleTabs"
                                                            <ext:TreeNode NodeID="car" Text="Car" IconCls="icocar" Href="Carmanage.aspx" HrefTarget="ExampleTabs"
                                                            <ext:TreeNode NodeID="ticket" Text="Vote" IconCls="icoticket" Href="Ticketmanage.aspx"
                                                                HrefTarget="ExampleTabs" Leaf="true">
                                                    <ext:TreeNode NodeID="msg" Text="GhostMsg" Icon="Comments" Href="Msg.aspx" HrefTarget="ExampleTabs"
                                                        Leaf="true" IconCls="icon-comments">
                                                    <ext:TreeNode NodeID="info" Text="Info" Icon="User" Href="Info.aspx" HrefTarget="ExampleTabs"
                                                        Leaf="true" IconCls="icon-user">
    Node I set the Icon = "ColorWheel" IconCls = "icoticket" IconCls = "icocar" and so on ...
    I also set IconCls = "icon-user" IconCls = "icon-comments"
    More ...
    Problem has arisen ...
                                            <Click Handler="if(node.isLeaf()){e.stopEvent();addTab(ExampleTabs,,node.attributes.href,node.text,'icon-house');}" />
    If I write directly to a specific value, no problem, loading can occur when the tab I set the icon.
    But if I use the "node.iconcls" as a parameter, the icon will not appear.
    Please help me solve this problem.
    Last edited by Daniil; Oct 31, 2010 at 8:25 PM. Reason: Please use [CODE] tags
  6. #6

    I'm not sure where the problem is.

    Please provide us with a full sample code.

    Please see examples of "very helpful examples" here
    Last edited by Daniil; Nov 01, 2010 at 10:49 AM.
  7. #7
    Hi Daniil :
    The following is the complete code
    <% @ Page Language = "C #" AutoEventWireup = "true" CodeBehind = "Index.aspx.cs" Inherits = "HHW_ADVISER.Index"%> 
    <% @ Register Assembly = "Coolite.Ext.Web" Namespace = "Coolite.Ext.Web" TagPrefix = "ext"%> 
    <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "- / / W3C / / DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / EN" ""> 
    <html xmlns=""> 
    <head runat="server"> 
        <title> Hengheng Travel Network - User Management Center </ title> 
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /> 
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" /> 
        <link href="resources/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> 
        <script src="/extjs/resources/ExampleTab.js" type="text/javascript"> </ script> 
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
            var loadExample = function (href, id) { 
                var tab = ExampleTabs.getComponent (id); 
                if (tab) { 
                    ExampleTabs.setActiveTab (tab); 
                } Else { 
                    createExampleTab (id, href); 
            function addTab (tabPanel, id, url, title, icon) { 
                var tab = tabPanel.getComponent (id); 
                if (! tab) { 
                    tab = tabPanel.add ({ 
                        id: id, 
                        title: title, 
                        closable: true, 
                        iconCls: icon, 
                        autoLoad: { 
                            showMask: true, 
                            url: url, 
                            mode: 'iframe', 
                            maskMsg: 'Loading module 【' + title + '】, please wait' 
                tabPanel.setActiveTab (tab); 
            var selectionChaged = function (dv, nodes) { 
                if (nodes.length> 0) { 
                    var url = nodes [0]. getAttribute ("ext: url"); 
                    id = nodes [0]. getAttribute ("ext: id"); 
                    loadExample (url, id); 
            var viewClick = function (dv, e) { 
                var group = e.getTarget ("h2", 3, true); 
                if (group) { 
                    group.up ("div"). toggleClass ("collapsed"); 
        </ Script> 
        <style type="text/css"> 
            body {font-family: "Times New Roman", arial; font-size: 12px; color: # 404040;} 
            li {list-style-type: none;} 
            a: link {color: # 404040; text-decoration: none;} 
            a: visited {color: # 404040; text-decoration: none;} 
            a: hover {color: # BA2636; text-decoration: underline;} 
            a: active {color: # 404040;} 
            . Shop_top {height: 53px; background: url (;} 
            . Shop_top_sav {float: right; padding-right: 20px; height: 23px; margin-top: 30px;} 
            . X-tree-node. Icoroom {background-image: url (;} 
            . X-tree-node. Icocar {background-image: url (;} 
            . X-tree-node. Icoticket {background-image: url (;} 
        </ Style> 
    </ Head> 
        <form id="form1" runat="server"> 
        <ext:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" Theme="Default"> 
        </ Ext: ScriptManager> 
        <ext:ViewPort ID="ViewPort1" runat="server"> 
                <ext:BorderLayout ID="BorderLayout1" runat="server"> 
                        <Ext: Panel ID = "Panel2" runat = "server" Cls = "images-view" Height = "50" Border = "false" 
                            Icon = "House"> 
                                <div class="shop_top"> 
                                    <span class="shop_top_sav"> <a href=""> Hengheng Network Home </ a> | 
                                        <a href=""> tour around </ a> | <a href = "" > 
                                            Domestic travel </ a> | <a href=""> outbound travel </ a> | <a href = " / travel / index.html "> 
                                                Travel agency </ a> | <a href=""> MICE Travel </ a> 
                                        | <a Href=""> Travel Alerts </ a> | <a href = ' ' 
                                            target = '_top'> [log] </ a> <a href='' target='_top'> 
                                                [Up] </ a> <a href='' target='_top'> [View Order] </ a> </ span> 
                                </ Div> 
                            </ Body> 
                        </ Ext: Panel> 
                    </ North> 
                    <West Collapsible="true" Split="true"> 
                        <ext:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Title="Left sidebar" Width="175"> 
                                <ext:FitLayout runat="server"> 
                                    <Ext: TreePanel ID = "exampleTree" runat = "server" Title = "" AutoScroll = "true" Lines = "True" 
                                        CollapseFirst = "false" ContainerScroll = "true" RootVisible = "true" AutoShow = "False" 
                                        ButtonAlign = "Left" Shadow = "None" SingleExpand = "False" Collapsible = "True"> 
                                            <ext:Toolbar ID="Toolbar1" runat="server"> 
                                                    <ext:ToolbarTextItem ID="ToolbarTextItem1" runat="server" Text="Style: "/> 
                                                    <Ext: ComboBox ID = "cbTheme" runat = "server" EmptyText = "System skin" Width = "80" Editable = "false" 
                                                        TypeAhead = "true"> 
                                                            <ext:ListItem Text="Default" Value="Default" /> 
                                                            <ext:ListItem Text="Gray" Value="Gray" /> 
                                                            <ext:ListItem Text="Slate" Value="Slate" /> 
                                                        </ Items> 
                                                            <Select Handler = "Coolite.AjaxMethods.GetThemeUrl (cbTheme.getValue (), {success: function (result) {Coolite.Ext.setTheme (result); ExampleTabs.items.each (function (el) {if (! Ext. isEmpty (el.iframe)) {el.iframe.dom.contentWindow.Coolite.Ext.setTheme (result);}});}}); "/> 
                                                        </ Listeners> 
                                                    </ Ext: ComboBox> 
                                                    <ext:ToolbarFill ID="ToolbarFill1" runat="server" /> 
                                                    <ext:ToolbarButton ID="ToolbarButton1" runat="server" IconCls="icon-expand-all"> 
                                                            <Click Handler="#{exampleTree}.root.expand(true);" /> 
                                                        </ Listeners> 
                                                            <ext:ToolTip ID="ToolTip1" IDMode="Ignore" runat="server" Html="Expand all" /> 
                                                        </ ToolTips> 
                                                    </ Ext: ToolbarButton> 
                                                    <ext:ToolbarButton ID="ToolbarButton2" runat="server" IconCls="icon-collapse-all"> 
                                                            <Click Handler="#{exampleTree}.root.collapse(true);" /> 
                                                        </ Listeners> 
                                                            <ext:ToolTip ID="ToolTip2" IDMode="Ignore" runat="server" Html="Merge all" /> 
                                                        </ ToolTips> 
                                                    </ Ext: ToolbarButton> 
                                                </ Items> 
                                            </ Ext: Toolbar> 
                                        </ TopBar> 
                                            <ext:TreeNode Text="User Management Center" Expanded="true" Icon="House" AllowChildren="false"> 
                                                    <Ext: TreeNode NodeID = "order" Text = "My Order" Icon = "Cart" Href = "Order.aspx" HrefTarget = "ExampleTabs" 
                                                        Leaf = "true" IconCls = "icon-cart"> 
                                                    </ Ext: TreeNode> 
                                                    <ext:TreeNode Text="Tourism Services Management" Expanded="true" Icon="RainbowStar" AllowChildren="false"> 
                                                            <Ext: TreeNode NodeID = "tour" Text = "Tourism" Icon = "ColorWheel" Href = "Tourmanage.aspx" HrefTarget = "ExampleTabs" 
                                                                Leaf = "true"> 
                                                            </ Ext: TreeNode> 
                                                            <Ext: TreeNode NodeID = "room" Text = "booking" IconCls = "icoroom" Href = "Roommanage.aspx" HrefTarget = "ExampleTabs" 
                                                                Leaf = "true"> 
                                                            </ Ext: TreeNode> 
                                                            <Ext: TreeNode NodeID = "car" Text = "Car" IconCls = "icocar" Href = "Carmanage.aspx" HrefTarget = "ExampleTabs" 
                                                                Leaf = "true"> 
                                                            </ Ext: TreeNode> 
                                                            <Ext: TreeNode NodeID = "ticket" Text = "booking" IconCls = "icoticket" Href = "Ticketmanage.aspx" 
                                                                HrefTarget = "ExampleTabs" Leaf = "true"> 
                                                            </ Ext: TreeNode> 
                                                        </ Nodes> 
                                                    </ Ext: TreeNode> 
                                                    <Ext: TreeNode NodeID = "msg" Text = "Visitor Message" Icon = "Comments" Href = "Msg.aspx" HrefTarget = "ExampleTabs" 
                                                        Leaf = "true" IconCls = "icon-comments"> 
                                                    </ Ext: TreeNode> 
                                                    <Ext: TreeNode NodeID = "info" Text = "Basic Information" Icon = "User" Href = "Info.aspx" HrefTarget = "ExampleTabs" 
                                                        Leaf = "true" IconCls = "icon-user"> 
                                                    </ Ext: TreeNode> 
                                                </ Nodes> 
                                            </ Ext: TreeNode> 
                                        </ Root> 
                                            <Click Handler="if(node.isLeaf()){e.stopEvent();addTab(ExampleTabs,,node.attributes.href,node.text,node.iconcls);}" /> 
                                        </ Listeners> 
                                    </ Ext: TreePanel> 
                                </ Ext: FitLayout> 
                                <ext:TaskManager ID="TaskManager1" runat="server"> 
                                        <ext:Task AutoRun="true" Interval="5000"> 
                                                <Update OnEvent="IsExitsSession"> 
                                                </ Update> 
                                            </ AjaxEvents> 
                                        </ Ext: Task> 
                                    </ Tasks> 
                                </ Ext: TaskManager> 
                            </ Body> 
                        </ Ext: Panel> 
                    </ West> 
                    <Center Split="false"> 
                        <ext:TabPanel ID="ExampleTabs" runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="0" EnableTabScroll="true"> 
                                <Ext: Tab ID = "order" runat = "server" IconCls = "icon-application" Title = "My Order" AutoScroll = "true" 
                                    Icon = "Cart"> 
                                        <ext:FitLayout ID="FitLayout1" runat="server"> 
                                            <Ext: Panel ID = "HomePanel" runat = "server" Cls = "images-view" Height = ".100" Border = "false" 
                                                Icon = "House"> 
                                                <AutoLoad Url="Order.aspx" Mode="IFrame"> 
                                                </ AutoLoad> 
                                                <LoadMask Msg="Load Order..." ShowMask="true" /> 
                                            </ Ext: Panel> 
                                        </ Ext: FitLayout> 
                                    </ Body> 
                                </ Ext: Tab> 
                            </ Tabs> 
                                <ext:TabCloseMenu ID="TabCloseMenu1" runat="server" /> 
                            </ Plugins> 
                        </ Ext: TabPanel> 
                    </ Center> 
                </ Ext: BorderLayout> 
            </ Body> 
        </ Ext: ViewPort> 
        </ Form> 
    </ Body> 
    </ Html>
  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Smary View Post
    But if I use the "node.iconcls" as a parameter, the icon will not appear.

    Seems I understood where the problem is.

    If you would like to use iconCls on client site it needs to register it on server side.

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Please note that if IconCls is used in markup registration happens internally.

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