
I trying to bind the ADO object to GridPanel as datasource but seems not successful. But in example on web, the binding to asp datasource object (i.e. SQLdatasoure is successful).

Below are 2 code session I try in the example. The first one is binding to a datareader object, the Employee class is a self define class, method GetEmplyees return a ADO datareader object which retrieve data from SQL server. After running, no data display in grid.

this.Store1.DataSource = Employee.GetEmployees("");
this.GridPanel1.StoreID = "Store1";

In second code I put a SQLdatasource object in page, using same connect string and same sql statement. the result is ok, and all record in table listed in grid.

//this.Store1.DataSource = SqlDataSource1;
this.GridPanel1.StoreID = "Store1";

But I really prefer using ADO code instead of datasource object. Pls help resolve, thanks.
