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Type: Posts; User: bethc

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  1. Morning Geoffrey,

    Thanks for that - it works well.

    It doesn't work though if I have the line "this.GridPanel1.RegisterColumnPlugins();" after the Reconfigure() call. So I just removed that...
  2. Hi Geoffrey

    The code below re-produces the problem.

    As you can see the Grid View is not visible. If you add the GridView to the HTML and comment out the line...
  3. Hi,

    I am creating a dynamic gridpanel based on the sample in

    I want a GridView in my GridPanel which I am creating server-side using

  4. That's great - thanks.

    Will keep an eye out for the GroupDir field.
  5. Hi,

    I have a page which contains a GridPanel which is loaded dynamically and has a GroupingSummary plugin attached.

    Does anyone know if it is possible to set the order of data within each group...
  6. I think it may be an issue with some custom skins on the formpanel used in the toolbar/button group. I will have a more detailed look and see if I can fix it that way.

  7. I have updated from the SVN and it still looks the same.

  8. Hi,

    I have a composite field in a button group, in which I am displaying two date controls. Each date control has an attached note which I want to display above the controls (NoteAlign=top). ...
  9. That works great - thanks. (And it simplifies the layout of the page)
  10. Hi,

    I have numerous toolbars which contain ButtonGroups. In the example below, I have a button group which contains 2 buttons and another ButtonGroup which contains a label in the <content>...
  11. The second example has worked well - thank you!
  12. Hi,

    Is it possible to display an alert before the Click DirectEvent on a button is run?

    What I am looking to do loop through all rows in a GridPanel and display a message informing the user...
  13. That's great. Thank you very much
  14. Also, I would like the Select DirectEvent to be called when the SelectedItem is set - is that possible?
  15. Hi,

    I have a combobox which is displaying a list of dates that are populated from a database. My combobox has a template and a select event which changes the format of the date into a...
  16. Hi,

    I have updated from the SVN but the issue still happens.

    If I set ClicksToEdit="0" then I have to double-click every time to view the editable control.

    My GridPanel has the following...
  17. Hi,

    I have an editable gridpanel where ClicksToEdit="1". When navigating around this gridpanel and clicking between rows down a single column, sometimes the editable controls focus and then lose...
  18. Hi,

    I found the issue - I needed to set the RowHeight attribute on the BufferView to stop the issue.

    <ext:BufferView ID="bvwData" runat="server" ScrollDelay="0" RowHeight="23" />
  19. Hi,

    It seems to be a specific problem in my page as I copied the buffered example into my site and added the same functionality and it worked fine. I'm going to look into the problem some more.
  20. Hi,

    I have a buffered grid panel that has a limit of 500 records per page. If the grid contains 500 rows and I click my "Add" button which adds a new row to the grid using:

  21. Sorry - my mistake!</p>

  22. Thanks.

    I can't connect to the SVN - is there an issue with it?

    I saw the extra icons - very useful!
  23. Hi,

    I updated from the SVN this morning and the code below to generate a trigger for a combobox in a editable gridpanel does not pick up the Icon selected. The default down arrow is always...
  24. Hi,

    I have various textareas in an editable gridpanel which have a maxlength set.

    A validation message is displayed and the control highlighted with the red line when the text goes over the...
  25. Hello , I am currently trying to adapt you drag and drop example "Drag with State" , so that I can have two different object/ data sources on the page. Unfortunately I have fallen at the first...
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