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Type: Posts; User: Gagandeep

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  1. Hi i am facing an issue on grid panel for retaining applied filter in header items.
    I have menu item on the page on click o these menu grid data changes and displayed. I apply filter on one column...
  2. while editing i have used this code and cell get empty .

  3. Hi i have a grid panel which i have one column with textfield in editor when click on this cell . The default assigned value to cell is always display.
    I want the column to be blank on user clicks...
  4. it worked :)
  5. Thanks for the suggestion it work.

    But i run into same issue when my page get post-back again, when the user again change Column hide/show at time time not able to get the state hidden: false...
  6. <ext:GridPanel ID="gvOrders" runat="server" StoreID="stOrders" ColumnLines="true"
    DisableSelection="true" EnableColumnResize="true" StripeRows="true" HideMode="Offsets"
  7. In the grid panel have hide the column's. Suppose i have 5 column in the grid and hide the last column. For Example

    "columns": [
    "id": "ctl00_mainContentPlaceHolder_Priority"...
  8. Now I am able to get the state of grid-panel using this App.GridPanel1.getState(App.GridPanel1, {});. Once i get this state and saved in database as per user changes. I have to load my grid-panel...
  9. I had requirement to save the state of grid panel into database and retrieve the same state when use logged into the website. I required some code samples so that I can get state in code behind file...
Results 1 to 9 of 9