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Type: Posts; User: eqttester

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  1. SearchTextField.js


    Ext.ux.form.SearchTextField = function (config) {, config);
  2. I have the following code.

    <ext:FormPanel ID=testContainer runat="server">
    <Content><mgr:list DataIndex = "sampleCode" runat="server" width=70px />
  3. This worked great TY.
  4. Example I want


    <form id="form1" runat="server">
  5. My issue is how do you decide the location of the controls in <content> compared to the control location of controls in <items>

    Also is it not possible to mix EXT controls with HTML controls in...
  6. I am able to set the colpsan correctly now but the Grid does not span those columns once it is set.
    Ext.get(grid.getView().getCell((rowIndex - 2), 0)).dom.colSpan = 5;
  7. GridPanel + ColSpan or at least a way to access the HTML for a row.

    Is there a way to set a colspan on a specifict column in a row for instance I have a row with the following data.

    5 5 5 4 4 3...
  8. Grid Panel /Grouping Is it possible to only show the grouping for certain groups and show the other rows normally?
  9. Anyone have any idea?
  10. Anyone have any idea?
  11. I have multiple columns with the same value I want these columns to be able to merge.
  12. I have the following view inside of my grid view.

    <ext:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server">
    <GetRowClass Fn="getRowClass" /> ...
  13. Thread: Grid Panel

    by eqttester
    Perfect TY
  14. Thread: Grid Panel

    by eqttester
    Is there an ability to create an event on Row Load so that the whole row can be colored based on data?
  15. Foreach(DataColumn dc in dt.Columns) {
    StoreRevManagementData.Reader[0].Fields.Add( dc.ColumnName );
    Ext.Net.ColumnBase col = new Ext.Net.Column();
    col.DataIndex =...
  16. If I have a store with the following field setup and then bind a Datatable to the store the column shows.

    <ext:JsonReader IDProperty="Name">
Results 1 to 16 of 16