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Type: Posts; User: GitzJoey

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  1. this might help.
  2. please try to load it in IE7
    and expand the 2nd panel
  3. in my case, do i need to put .render() ?

    i'm sorry but i think i've done everything in your sample (re-initialize, re-register event, re-add to the container control, and render)
  4. <ext:Panel ID="SingleResultGroupHeader" runat="server" Layout="ColumnLayout">
    <ext:Toolbar ID="Toolbar_SingleResultGroupHeader"...
  5. thanks for the fast reply.

    care to give example?

    since if debug the code...its executing the portion to creating the menu again.

    *still preparing sample code
  6. hi..

    i'm having the same problem also

    I always get error saying the component are not found.

    please help
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