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Type: Posts; User: macroe

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  1. Hi, team.
    I have upgread 2.5 to 3.0. But now , when i use X.StoreForModel() in the view 2 or more times, there an error:

  2. Hi,
    I'm using badge in razor, now I want to set OffsetX property and OffsetY property. In webform, we can use it like this:

  3. Hi,
    I see a issue in which about razor engine. And now, how to set the .....For method do not generate id property, and auto generate itemId property...
  4. OK, thank you very much. The thead can be close now.
  5. Yes! It's worked! But, why diffrent value get form jsonsubmit and normal submit ? It makes me confused.
  6. Hi,
    I have a question about DropDownField: I want the dropdownfield which in a FormPanel to submit the value to my controller, but it always submit the Text, how can I do?

    Here is the...
  7. Hello, I have a gridcommandcolumn like this:

    <ext:CommandColumn Width="250" Header="test1" ColumnID="test" ButtonAlign="Left">
  8. Yeah, but if I submit the form with get method and take some parameter like this: {a:["2","3"]}, ( {a:["2","3"]} is come form checked treenode ) it still error. Can you add some code to auto encode...
  9. Hi!
    Here's a problem: it will throw exception when the form's url which has quotation marks. Here is the code:


    Here is...
  10. Yes, it's duplicate.
  11. Hi!
    I have a class which has a property LimitToSites, it type is List<Guid>, then i write some code in Cshtml like this

  12. Hi,

    A long time ago I published posts to consult on the issue DisplayName:
    and attached...
  13. 兄弟啊,遇到个发中文标题的人真不容易啊!

    Hi, man! Met here to say Chinese people was not easy!
  14. please delete it, it my falut
  15. oh, i get it ,thank you!

    and, i changed the source code Ext.Net\MVC\Ext\Grid\GridPanel.cs , 163 row to

    //column.Text = Regex.Replace(propertyMetadata.PropertyName, "([a-z])([A-Z])", "$1 $2");...
  16. Sorry, I'm not very good at English.

    But ,I have a BitResourceDisplayNameAttribute to localize displayname, it works fine in Html.X().TextField ,Html.X().Combobox() and so on, but not works in...
  17. Thanks, but how can I localize the header text?
  18. hello, i write a gridpanel in the razor view, and use Html.X().ColumnFor to display column.

    Column name displayed is not DisplayNameAttribute, but the Property name.

    How do I make it show...
  19. hello, i write a gridpanel in the view, and use Html.X().ColumnFor to display column.

    Column name displayed is not DisplayNameAttribute, but the property name.

    How do I make it show DisplayName...
  20. Hello, my English is poor, but I will try to description the problem, Thank you for your patience.

    I have a problem about Html.X().TextFieldFor.

    there is the code which...
Results 1 to 20 of 20