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Type: Posts; User: MarcA

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  1. Thank you,

    Moving the code to the Page_Init and removing the check IsLoaded fixed the problem.
    Will need to investigate if I need to check that the control is already loaded.

    Its still...
  2. Repost of I question I asked 2.x help

    I'm having problems with the LoadControl method in combination with form authentication.
    When I use form authentication my input fields are not filled...
  3. I? having problems with the LoadControl method in combination with form authentication.
    When I use form authentication my input fields are not filled with the Request.Form values.

    How do I get...
  4. Hi,

    I'm am having problems with DataBinding of the grid when using UserControlLoader. When I click on the button I see the rows but not the data.
    All the PagingToolbar refresh go to the first...
  5. Thanks,

    That solved it.
  6. Hi,

    I'm trying to create a tree that has the same order as my datasource. I have some leaf nodes that I want to be the fisrt item. This works for normal TreePanel, but not for the TreeGrid. The...
  7. Thank you,

    Using the overide works.

  8. Thank you for your quick response.

    1). When I clear the checkbox treePanel.ClearChecked(), all my nodes get checkboxes also if they did not have a checkbox.
    how can i clear all the nodes...
  9. Thank you, that solved my problem.

  10. Thank you.

    lbHtmlInfo.Update() Solved my problem.

  11. Hi,

    I'm trying to set the Html property in the code behind. Instead of showing as html is shows the tags. When I set the Html in the markup it does work.

    I'm using the new <bin> feature to keep...
  12. Hi,

    I?m having trouble with TabPanel and FormPanel layout when
    it is not the active tabpage at startup.

    How do I get the controls to be displayed correctly?

  13. Hi Vladimir,

    That did the trick. Thank you.

  14. Hi,

    I'm having problems with controls shown in a modal popup window. The datepicker, and other drop downs appear behind
    the window. This only happens in IE (tested in version 8) it works...
  15. Hi,

    I managed to fix one problem with your advice, but I still have some problems with
    text area and grid.

    I made a new example.

    Main page
  16. Hi,

    IE6 Rendering problems.

    1) When I resize the 'Navigation' to the right the ComboBox disapears.

    2) When I go to the second tab the ComboBox is not visible. </p>
    (Only when I set ...
  17. <p class="MsoNormal"><p class="MsoNormal">Hi,</p><p class="MsoNormal">Thanks for the quick response and fix. </p><p class="MsoNormal">With AutoEncode="true" on the grid and looping though my...
  18. Problems with user imput:

    Problem 1:
    when I enter '<abc' in the grid an save I get an exception 'A potentially dangerous Request'

    Problem 2:
    How to encode the data from the sql server, so it...
Results 1 to 20 of 20